Opening bands

Sonic Syndicate was horrible for the following reasons

-Bass player using a pick (Though I'd still do her)
-Emo Hop
-Vocalists doing lame tough guy type vocals and occasionally harmonizing on 1 note for a while
-Invisible Keyboards
-Overall not sounding like a band that should be playing at an Amon Amarth concert

Lots of middle fingers and boo's at chicago, and one guy was mocking them by playing air keyboard.

Himsa wasn't that great but after an hour delay and SS, I gladly headbanged to them. Only moshed for Amon Amarth though.
the local band for the toronto show was a melodic death metal band called galahad,and they were sick
and me and buddy almost threw up laughing at sonic syndicate, it was honestly like watching a bunch of scene kids with tourrets try to make music, it was pathetic
and himsa was decent
and amon amarth was of course, amazing
Galahad was better than Sonic Shiticate or Shitsa (Toronto show).

I liked Galahad myself, but there's two big things that I look for at concerts..any in general.
1) Good music (Durrr)
2) Stage presence

They definately did not have 2). A few people told me to lay off because they were only like..17? Maybe?, but that shouldn't matter. You want to play live shit, start moving around. Don't stand there waiting for someone to stick something up your ass for you to start wiggling around.

I was up on the balcony for SS. I remember looking down at the floor, and absolutely no one was moving. It looked like people were looking at each other going "What the fuck is this..". At one point, a friend of mine yelled for them to go home. Also, obviously they lack balls if they need two singers..but they lack even more when their 'singer' needs a harmonizer for his voice.
Though a part of me did feel bad for them, because it really sucks to get boo'd at concerts, but on the other hand, I didn't, because they really did suck.
I was drunk for Himsa. I was paying more attention to how I'm going to afford the next beer than anything else.
They need to get Arch Enemy to open. That would rule.

I remember I saw Arch Enemy and In Flames a while back (like 6 years ago), it was a good show. Arch Enemy and AA would be a pretty interesting show.

How about Nile and AA, Viking lore vs. Egyptian lore. lol.

Nile wasn't too great when I saw them live though...
Nile wasn't too great when I saw them live though...

I've seen Nile probably a dozen times. The excitement wore after the third time or so, now I find them kinda boring live. It's been a few years though so maybe it'll be better next time.

Moonsorrow would be a good opener. Honestly I think In Flames and Arch Enemy are too big in the US to open for AA.