OK, some of you have done nothing wrong, then you can skip this rant, but the rest of you will know who you are: y'all are quite right to have your own opinions about each one of the bands on stage, but puhleeze, what is up with booing them off the stage and throwing things at them? Come on now!!! Let's not act like babies, for fucks sake. Are you jealous they can play some instrument better than you can so they get to travel the world with Amon Amarth? Then get on a fucking manager, find a stage and do your own grunt work, like they had to. Or voice you opinion here, on this forum, or on their forum. It's a whole lot more productive than being assholes. All bands have to start somewhere, no need to be like that because their management signed them up for a tour you don't like them to be on. In any case, there is absolutely no point in decking the security guard for the band's song choice, either. He did not choose the bands that play while he is on shift, and he sure as hell has no say in which band plays with what opening band.
As for me, I want to see All That Remians with AA.