Opening bands

Oh sweet jesus.

Sonic Sydicate are in the running to back-up Megadeth.


Though apparently Turisas played with Amon Amarth over here. Was talking to a girl who I know who likes metal, has done for a number of years and decides to handily drop the concerts shes been to when we talk about bands, and apparently she went to see Amon Amarth and Turisas live together.

I told her I hated her with all my heart.
OK, some of you have done nothing wrong, then you can skip this rant, but the rest of you will know who you are: y'all are quite right to have your own opinions about each one of the bands on stage, but puhleeze, what is up with booing them off the stage and throwing things at them? Come on now!!! Let's not act like babies, for fucks sake. Are you jealous they can play some instrument better than you can so they get to travel the world with Amon Amarth? Then get on a fucking manager, find a stage and do your own grunt work, like they had to. Or voice you opinion here, on this forum, or on their forum. It's a whole lot more productive than being assholes. All bands have to start somewhere, no need to be like that because their management signed them up for a tour you don't like them to be on. In any case, there is absolutely no point in decking the security guard for the band's song choice, either. He did not choose the bands that play while he is on shift, and he sure as hell has no say in which band plays with what opening band.

As for me, I want to see All That Remians with AA.
I haven't seen either of the bands nor do I plant to. Just looking at the posted picture tells me what posers they are by some dude showing off his abdominal area along with the underwear.

I'm guessing you are one of the ignorant muckheads who think that there's a dresscode for being metal.

Well I've got news for you. There ISN'T. As long as you play metal and as long as you love metal, then you're a certified metalhead. You don't have to wear studs, you don't have to have long hair. As long as you really love metal, that's all you need.

And also, that is an old picture. From the days before they even had a record deal.
Old thread bumped here...

SS sucked
Himsa also sucked just slightly less than SS.
Legion of the Damned did well with AA
KoK also suck bigtime....
Obituary ruled :rock:
AE and AA should never play together.

Good opening bands in my opinion? Naglfar, Necrophagist, Krisiun or Blood Red Throne.

Metal shouldn't have a "look" I am a firm believer I do not need to wear all black to prove I am metal.
But seriously, walking on stage (or anywhere imo) dressed with your boxers showing...PULL UP YOUR FUCKING PANTS. They invented belts for a reason.
This is a dressing trend I hate.
I'm guessing you are one of the ignorant muckheads who think that there's a dresscode for being metal.

Well I've got news for you. There ISN'T. As long as you play metal and as long as you love metal, then you're a certified metalhead. You don't have to wear studs, you don't have to have long hair. As long as you really love metal, that's all you need.

And also, that is an old picture. From the days before they even had a record deal.

take it easy there wolfie boy, metal band to me typically does not = exposed underpants with ass hanging out, no respect there, I guess I'm old fashioned and old, image may not matter to you but it does to some others
take it easy there wolfie boy, metal band to me typically does not = exposed underpants with ass hanging out, no respect there, I guess I'm old fashioned and old, image may not matter to you but it does to some others

and they sucked!
take it easy there wolfie boy, metal band to me typically does not = exposed underpants with ass hanging out, no respect there, I guess I'm old fashioned and old, image may not matter to you but it does to some others

That I agree. I don't think "metal" when I see exposed underpants either, but that's not the same as saying a band is made of posers. Two different things.

Sorry about bumping. I found this thread through google, so I just wanted to reply on it.
And I'm also sorry if I sound like an angry shithead. I didn't mean to. Sorry about that.