Opeth abuse on myspace

TheApostle said:
Knew it wasnt Opeth because myspace is pretty much the dumbest thing in the world. A place where kids can complain about their average days and how they want to commit suicide. Fun.
Incorrect. Myspace is for weiner kids to think they have more friends.
Young 13 year old boy in Lowestoft creates myspace page. Within a week he has 1143 "friends". In actual fact, he has 0 friends - he has spent all week trying to get get these so called "friends" on myspace that he has outcast all of his real friends; and nobody on myspace actually cares about him, they only do it to boost their own friend list (which apparently makes them cooler).
To sum up, myspace sucks cock.
Unfortunately, brain dead people, and many crappy issues plague myspace. I mean it’s become one of those fads. It uses to be cool, and myspace still is cool if you use it right. I’ve seen people post thoughtful entries, their art, they talk about what they like, and that’s how it should be used. People shouldn’t have one just for the sake of having one. The emo’s really cheese me off. It seems like many of them want to be fucking miserable. I saw this fag with his hair all over his face, and red eyeliner on. Geez man, comb your hair back, or put it to the side, and remove that eyeliner, and act like you have balls. Sheesh.

Anyways, I think Opeth should make an official one just for the Opethians. And ctually,I’ve seen great managed band sites. Those are devoted fans. The guys who run the Nevermore sites are doing a fantastic job.

Depends on the person.

Edit - I actually manage one of Nevermore's sites, and I take requests from fans all the time. I think I've done a nice job.
But yes, I'd like to see an Opeth myspace based on the opinions and ideas of the fans here in this community.
R0l0 said:
Myspace is a most clear representation of the start of a complete degeneration of dignity and morality in western civilization as we know it.

I can definately agree with you on the fact that much of western civilization is going nowhere, but brother, don't write off all of us.
I have a myspace account, but I never really do anything on it. The Majority of my friends list is just a bunch of people from my school.

Their Metal Forum sucks though. Everyone pretty much pokes fun at Opeth because retards on there think they're so fucking "kvlt".
There is nothing really wrong with myspace at all. In fact, it is great for helping getting your music out there. You can meet people that are cool and have similar interests, and there is nothing wrong with that at all. Of course its a breeding ground for emo kids these days, but what highly used websites have not given such for the trends of their time? Myspace is great for many things. That said, the majority of the people that I am friends with on there, are people I know in real life, and have known for at least a couple years now.
xXBraveMurderDay said:
I have a myspace account, but I never really do anything on it. The Majority of my friends list is just a bunch of people from my school.

Their Metal Forum sucks though. Everyone pretty much pokes fun at Opeth because retards on there think they're so fucking "kvlt".

Meanwhile their probably praising linkin park :yuk:
blimey said:
You don't have to buy anything, Ken. :)
i don't want their adware or flashing windows all over my beautiful screen :erk:

not to mention the way a majority (duh not everyone but...) of people on there are self worshipping shallow teenagers who have absolutely nothing else to do with their lives. it makes Ken sad. :yuk:
roadrunnerrecords.com says visit opeth's myspace at myspace.com/opeth but RRR isn't even running it.....what a bunch of douche bags, the site says koch records and all this shit and what not. where's the real opeth page?
Kenneth R. said:
Myspace is owned by Fox. yes, the news company. that + the absurd amount of advertisement really keeps me away from it.

Of course, how do you think they make their money? With all those thousand's of accounts, they know they can cash in by putting up all those adds.

Fox is making tons from myspace. It's actually awkward, their making tons from a stupid blog type site. The advertisement industry is stupidly huge, and getting really poiwerful. Myspace creators are smart, though.

Tom(creator) and company made millions when they sold that to Fox.....
BRI said:
Incorrect. Myspace is for weiner kids to think they have more friends.
Young 13 year old boy in Lowestoft creates myspace page. Within a week he has 1143 "friends". In actual fact, he has 0 friends - he has spent all week trying to get get these so called "friends" on myspace that he has outcast all of his real friends; and nobody on myspace actually cares about him, they only do it to boost their own friend list (which apparently makes them cooler).
To sum up, myspace sucks cock.

That may be your story man, but I've got 29 friends on my space and I've been signed up a helluva long time. I've only got serious friends and a couple bands I like.

Stereotyping myspace users is as moronic as racial profiling.
Not all blacks are gangstas. :Smug:
I just found it to be more convenient than email to communicate with my friends. Everything's right there. Staying in touch with my niece and my sister like never before. Plus, with the music profiles, you can sample full songs checking out bands you've heard of but never heard. That part is addicting.
Kenneth R. said:
there's tons of instant messengers...

well instant messengers limit you to having to wiat til that person is on. and while one could go for email...i find myspace to be much quicker, and easier to communicate with multiple people.