Vivören is a typical example of swedish left wing extremist where everyone that dissagree with the most generious immigration politics in the entire western world is regarded as "racist". The party in question is called Sverigedemokraterna and you can read their info here (also in english and other languges):
The party is a social conservative nationalist party and if put on the political scale in for example USA, it would definatly be left of the Republicans. It's not the party that is extreme, it is Sweden that is extreme leftist. In communist countries, anybody who opposed the regime where "facists" in Sweden any one who (like Sverigedemokraterna) suggest that the country would apply an immigration and integration policy like the neighbour countries Finland and Denmark are labeled as "racists". The fact that there are several immigrants being not only members, but even high representatives of the party doesn't seem to bother those saying so...
As for the interview. Vivören is simply assuming that Christofer is lying when he's claiming that he tried to sneak out of it. What arguments are there that he's not telling exactly the truth about it (which was that he was a passive member mainly out of political interest)?
Secondly, claiming that Christofer was a "financer" of the party is simply a plain lie from Vivören. There's nothing in the interview verifying anything of that sort. Paying a members fee of a few dollars a year is NOT regarded as being "a financer" (which generally refers to those giving donations to political parties).
Vivören is also showing how confused and ignorant he is when he writes that...
"national socialist" (a fancy phrasing for "racist") party.
National socialist = nazi. Since when is that considered a "fancy phrasing" of anything at all? To suggest that the party in question should have anything to do with such ideology would be laughable - they are by far the most Israel friendly party in Sweden and have jewish prominent members of the party in high positions (for example their international secretary Kent Ekeroth who previously used to work at the swedish embassy in Israel).
Get your facts straigh and stop bashing one of the coolest artists in the metal scene. Think what you like of his music, but don't spread lies and tell a lot of bullshit.