... I know that you all do not need a reminder... 
At the end of Dirge For November, at 5:45 when the acoustic part starts until the end of the song... that bit is just so beautiful, words cannot explain...! It makes me want to burst out in tears everytime I listen to it. I always tend to find myself in more of a thoughful mood when I listen to acoustic Opeth... Does anybody else find this?
Opeth are by far most definately my favourite band.. there is no-one else out there like them.. They are musical geniuses...
Mikael's angelic voice and brutal growls, the beautifully masterpieced acoustic parts with Mikael and Peter that just melt together... the heavier songs with Lopez kicking it on drums, and Mendez's bass riffs..
Opeth ARE (!!!!!) going to tour Australia this year.. ~crosses her fingers tight~ .. and when they do, I have a feeling I am going to cry when I am there.. would that make me a poser?
~Isn't really obsessive as she sounds... honest!~

I just can't explain my love for Opeth without sounding like a wanker...

At the end of Dirge For November, at 5:45 when the acoustic part starts until the end of the song... that bit is just so beautiful, words cannot explain...! It makes me want to burst out in tears everytime I listen to it. I always tend to find myself in more of a thoughful mood when I listen to acoustic Opeth... Does anybody else find this?
Opeth are by far most definately my favourite band.. there is no-one else out there like them.. They are musical geniuses...
Mikael's angelic voice and brutal growls, the beautifully masterpieced acoustic parts with Mikael and Peter that just melt together... the heavier songs with Lopez kicking it on drums, and Mendez's bass riffs..
Opeth ARE (!!!!!) going to tour Australia this year.. ~crosses her fingers tight~ .. and when they do, I have a feeling I am going to cry when I am there.. would that make me a poser?

I just can't explain my love for Opeth without sounding like a wanker...
