Opeth are so beautiful...!


†Black Rose Immortal†
Nov 4, 2001
... I know that you all do not need a reminder... ;)

At the end of Dirge For November, at 5:45 when the acoustic part starts until the end of the song... that bit is just so beautiful, words cannot explain...! It makes me want to burst out in tears everytime I listen to it. I always tend to find myself in more of a thoughful mood when I listen to acoustic Opeth... Does anybody else find this?

Opeth are by far most definately my favourite band.. there is no-one else out there like them.. They are musical geniuses...
Mikael's angelic voice and brutal growls, the beautifully masterpieced acoustic parts with Mikael and Peter that just melt together... the heavier songs with Lopez kicking it on drums, and Mendez's bass riffs..

Opeth ARE (!!!!!) going to tour Australia this year.. ~crosses her fingers tight~ .. and when they do, I have a feeling I am going to cry when I am there.. would that make me a poser?

:eek: ~Isn't really obsessive as she sounds... honest!~ :o :lol:
I just can't explain my love for Opeth without sounding like a wanker... :lol:
Hmm... :cry:
Crying at an opeth concert would be quite acceptable I think.

But me, I'd tend more to waltzing around the moshpit with any girl I can find. I love 3/4 or 4/12 or 6/8 time.

The music is very very emotional, and technical, and that's what makes it so good.

There is no band anywhere as good as opeth, some bands might come close, like Emperor, X - Japan, Maudlin of the well and Yes.

But I like those bands because if their similarities with opeth (as well as their own sound, but you get my point).

But we all understand each others love for this band, you aint a wanker. =)
i love beautifulness. opeth is probably the most beautiful band out there. other beautiful bands would be emperor, dimmu, gardenian, evergrey...... no wait i would be listing bands for hours i should stop. there are too many good bands out there. opeth is the best though i think. i just find myself puting them on more then anyone else.
Phew. For a second there I though you were accusing the Opeth crew of being a bunch of prancing-pansy-girly-men (NB: This would have been a BAD thing!).
At 7:34 through to the end in The Night and the Silent Water that bit there ALWAYS get the adrenaline pumping. Whenever I hear that part of that song I feel like I have to get up and do something..... ANYTHING!

And yes, here's hoping Opeth see there way into moseying on down to the southern hemishpere this year, even though this is looking less and less likely with the new CD's in the works.

~Hastily crosses fingers AND toes!~:)

~Is silently amazed to find that toes CAN be crossed!!~:eek:

~Faint from exitement at this discovery~...
Originally posted by Spike

At 7:34 through to the end in The Night and the Silent Water that bit there ALWAYS get the adrenaline pumping. Whenever I hear that part of that song I feel like I have to get up and do something..... ANYTHING!

Same. I was just listening to that today actually and thinking the same thing. Wow that part of the song is just sensational, it gives me a sort of flutter in my heart and stomach.

And Kushantaiidan, WHEN Opeth finally grace our shores with their presence, i would be up for a waltz in the moshpit!!
Originally posted by Kushantaiidan
mmmm... kenshin... mmmm...

Warning! To much KENSHIN is hazardous to your health, Only take KENSHIN in small doses (no more than 4 episodes a day). If a person overdoses on KENSHIN and is found to be shouting 'Oro?' while smacking themselves repetedly on the head, administer no more than 5 seconds of either Dragon Ball Z, Pokemon, Or 30 seconds of the dubbed Card Captors Sakura.