Opeth at Summerbreeze 09


Dec 18, 2007
Bavarian Woods
Holy Shit,
just came home from the summer breeze festival and i´m speechless...
They had huge problems with fredriks guitar (seemed like something was wrong with fred´s amp and the mixing of the monitor sound) that lead to a missing heir apparent solo at first but then caused an ultra groovy jam featuring mendez, axe, per and mike (while fred and coty were trying to fix the problem) as they couldnt go on with the next song. What they played was nothing but amazing!
Axe grooves as fuck!
After this little Jam the guitar was still not working and so they spontaniously played Soldier of Fortune, which was absolutely stunning...

Who else was there?

This must have been the strangest but most unique opeth concert i´ve ever been to...

I was there, too, and you couldn't have described it better. The concert was quite ambiguous: On the one hand, the missing Heir Apparent solo was a real pain in the ass, but on the other hand, the improvising stuff and Soldier Of Fortune was just amazing! They also played the first verse and chorus of the mellow version of harvest and Mike let the audience sing the lyrics. Do you think that was improvised, too, because after GoP Mikael said something like, the song sounded like shit to them, and then he did the Harvest-thing. Maybe they checked Fred's guitar once again after GoP...
Nevertheless, it was a amazing and definitely unique concert and I finally heard The Leper Affinity live!!! :kickass::rock::kickass:

The whole setlist was:
Heir Apparent
Jamming (Mendez+Axe+Mike+Per)
Soldier Of Fortune
Ghost Of Perdition
Harvest (first verse+chorus+audience singing)
The Leper Affinity :notworthy
The Lotus Eater

So far...
Just back from the fest as well.

I enjoyed the jamming session quite well, this was still amazing even if it was nothing :p

Beside voice and guitar problems, i enjoyed the whole concert, even if the setlist could have been more "oldschool".

Finally heard the live of Leper Affinity too, I have wished that for a long time!

Still Speechless considering the problem that Opeth and also Volbeat had before them.... These were almost the only ones....

There still were A**holes singing german crappy songs while Mike was singnin clear parts, this lack of respect is :mad: ... Opeth might be a little a too much discerning band for those guys.

In spite of this, I still enjoyed this live, waiting for the next one!

And "By the way, the name of our band is Opeth" :rock: :lol::rock:

@ EkstatikParataxis

"This must have been the strangest but most unique opeth concert i´ve ever been to... "

Totally agreed!
I was dissapointed. The guitar-problem really fucked up the gig. Sure, as a fan i could appreciate the jamming and improvising stuff, but a lot of the people there didn't really know opeth and were totally put off by that. And the harvest singing...I couldn't hear anyone sing along.
Also quite few people there for a headliner, especially in comparision with Amon Amarth the day before.

Anyway, closure was extremely nice and deliverance perfect, loved it :)
I was probably the only one who sang along to harvest. The thing is - I was drunk and I can't sing.

Soldier of Fortune was great. I didnt knew the Opeth version of the song but it was beautiful. (In fact I didnt knew the song at all - I know some people would love to kill me for that)

Btw has anybody seen the Documentary "A Headbangers Journey"? Im sure that the guy who made it was standing right 2 people left of me in the crowd.

In germany we have actually a very great metal boom. But all the children like listening only to that pagan and viking stuff like Amon and Equilibrium. I wasnt surprised that most people left when opeth played. Its easily not their style. Maybe they will discover when they are older that there is other great metal our there too.
At first I thought that Soldier of Fortune was actually in the setlist...even cooler that it wasn´t.
The guitar fuck up wasn´t that bad for me, they made the best out of it and the fans did too I think. And it was the first time I saw Opeth on a stage as big as that Main Stage...I was in the second row, which is even greater and made that gig so unique for me.

"born of cement, but it´s me who´s tomato..."

edit: oh, and meeting them in personal at the signing session was almost as cool as the gig ^^
And the harvest singing...I couldn't hear anyone sing along.

I did :waah::waah::waah::waah:

But you're right, not much people were singing with me....

Maybe as a fan of Opeth I could say that these festivals aren't enough deserving to guest Opeth or any progressive metal between all the other styles which are already guesting.
In germany we have actually a very great metal boom. But all the children like listening only to that pagan and viking stuff like Amon and Equilibrium. I wasnt surprised that most people left when opeth played. Its easily not their style. Maybe they will discover when they are older that there is other great metal our there too.

How can non-musician or people who don't care about [clean licks/melodies/progressive songs] appreciate Opeth?
I was there too, actually, i was in the 3rd line, ahead of fredrik - the people were so donnish, in fact I sang Harvest alone :(, but still it was a great concert, but I fucked up, because the addition had been "Demon of the Fall" and they didnt have the time to play that great song :/
Hi folks,

I've been there too. I think "unique" really describes the whole situation best. It didn't even sound that bad down there in the audience. Mikes vocals on Soldier of Fortune sent shivers down my spine - awesome!! Nevertheless, being perfectionists, Mike and the rest must have been pretty sad and disappointed not to be able to deliver a perfect show. Most of the folks I met after the show said it was awesome and Deliverance really did deliver!!


Must have been a bunch of noobs who only knew Ghost Reveries and Damnation.

yeah, and one of those noobs was me.. :p

I was there too, quite at the back somewhere because I wanted to enjoy the music and bang my head and not stand neatly tucked in in the crowd...

I liked the gig very much, but, for I am quite new to opeth (I only own watershed but I have listened to this album around a gazillion times) and just going to get their back catalogue, I couldn't sing along to Harvest and I regret that the band think no one enjoyed the gig. I can say, me and my brother did love that hour worth of awesomeness and we will be in Hamburg when they tour together with Dream Theater.. it'll be one hell of an evening and hopefully I do know more songs then.

next thing to buy will be "Ghost reveries" for I also know GoP already and we sang along as hard as we could...

maybe Burden would be a better song for a crowd to sing along?
I shall do that! :)

screamor: and what speaks against Burden? Just your dislike or do you thinks it is somewhat hard to sing along?

Ye, Burden is hard to sing for the audience, and the Lyrics from "Harvest" are easier than these from Burden