Most difficult Opeth songs on the guitar?


New Metal Member
Oct 16, 2008
What do you think are the most difficult Opeth songs on the guitar? I've tried bits of like 75% of the songs and I'd have to say Beneath the Mire and The Moor. I haven't tried a significant portion of Heir Apparent or The Lotus Eater yet though and they sound pretty difficult.
nice topic...
I think The Lotus Eater it's the hardest song... Heir Apparent it's not so difficult... maybe the solo.
but there are not normal tabs for The Lotus Eater and Beneath The Mire...
WTF? The Lotus Eater sounds VERY easy, for me one of the most difficult songs is Ghost of Perdition, I can't play the acustic part because I suck at sweep picking.
nice topic...
I think The Lotus Eater it's the hardest song... Heir Apparent it's not so difficult... maybe the solo.
but there are not normal tabs for The Lotus Eater and Beneath The Mire...

After I posted this I just learned the first three minutes of Heir Apparent so yea...its just the shredding that's hard. Especially with the palm mutes, no feedback/distortion to mask your mistakes.

The Lotus Eater is definitely up there though. And...April Ethereal? I don't get it... wasnt aphril was karma... :erk:

Edit: I tried to play it like a year ago and I couldn't...well...know I give it a new try, and I could :)
WTF? The Lotus Eater sounds VERY easy, for me one of the most difficult songs is Ghost of Perdition, I can't play the acustic part because I suck at sweep picking.

That's the one part of that song I have trouble with, but in the Roundhouse Tapes you can see Peter alternate picking, so it shouldn't be sweep picking.
The Leper Affinity has some tricky riffs.

Yeah this one too, I think Mikael is an underrated player in the sense that he plays hard riffs and sings over them.

That's the one part of that song I have trouble with, but in the Roundhouse Tapes you can see Peter alternate picking, so it shouldn't be sweep picking.

Really? I'm pretty sure I saw him sweep picking, I'll have to rewatch that.
The oldest stuff like Black Rose Immortal purely because it's nigh on impossible to memorise them.

Ghost of Perdition can be pretty tricky too.
The most difficult for me is "The Leper Affinity"
I'm struggling with each riff in this song, it's devastating.
But this is one of my favourite Opeth songs, so I H.A.V.E to play it :kickass:
And it's really amazing that Mike is able to sing while playing these riffs, so... :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy
Heir Apparent isn't hard at all other than the string skipping (I think?) part ("In the year of his sovereign..." etc). Masters Apprentices isn't hard as well until the polyrhythmic part ("I hold my breath and wait..."). The most difficult, I'd say are the acoustic parts that Mike sings over (ie in The Leper Affinity or GoP)
I said "The Moor", some heavy parts and the acoustic interlude (took me like 30 minutes to memorize it, to me that's much). But there are some songs on BWP which are difficult too (some parts on LA and FP). The difficult thing in Watershed are the solos (Fredik).
Well I think we're mostly in agreement on The Leper Affinity, The Moor, Ghost of Perdition, and Watershed solos. Only reason I mentioned Beneath the Mire really is because its a shitload of soloing to learn. The technical difficulty of each individual solo compared to some of Fred' not that bad.

On the Moor, the acoustic interlude is pretty rough, but the descent part of the first riff to be played under vocals is just about the hardest Opeth bit for me to play well.
Surprised at some of the suggestions here. The Moor took me awhile to learn but the acoustice parts are pretty easy once you've got the patterns. The Lepepr Affinity is nice, the riffs aren't too bad once you've got them down. Hardest piece to play for me is GoP... Don't know why but some of those riffs just tear me apart...
^Well put, I dont like CoB by the way.. Mikael is not an advanced player, he is plain genius that's it for me.

Why nobody mentioned White Cluster's solo?
Surprised so many people said the leper affinity... it's the second song i learned completely after godhead's lament.
I for one have a very hard time playing face of melinda (with fingers)
White clusters solo is pretty easy, i can play it and i've been playing guitar for a bit over a year. it's just faster than other solo's
Opeth is generally not that hard to play, as it isn't excessively technical, i think opeth is amazing for the songwriting, not technical abilities.
But i think in general the hardest stuff to play is the accoustic/clean stuff that requires good finger picking techniques.