Most Difficult Opeth Album And Song To Play

the songs off orchid and morning rise have always impressed me because all the songs are basically incredibly long dual leads, and both guitars are constantly doing different things. As far as the writing of riffs, that style has always impressed me. As far as learning riffs, still life is easily the more difficult.
I love playing The Leper Affinity. That bit where you get the 'ooh' growl and that palm muted riff, quite early in, that's the hardest part but once you've got it, it's not that hard. I really like playing it, I sometimes warm up with it.

As far as guitar parts are concerned, the leper affinity is my favorite opeth song to play too. The Funeral Portrait is up there too.
Well fuck me well and good - they actually played The Moor live? I thought they never played it :OMG:

Ok Mikael Å, please please. "The Moor" next time in oslo. I'll buy you a beer or twenty even. Come on. It's your best song. Play it live. Next time in Oslo.
"The Moor". The fucking Moor!!!! Come on. Free beer. I love you you know it damn it.
Well, I'd like to take this moment and congratulate wankerness for making all the tabs I got. xD Looking through posts and double-taked.

And The Moor is damn hard, it's difficult to get past the riff that starts in Am.