I hope they play some heavy stuff after the Damnation set. I've listened to that album to death and I'm a little bored of it
I agree with Spike to some extent, because when you've written up a thread, and you have some asshole insult you about something-just because he's to fucken lazy to look through the thread, and he becomes miss informed because of this. But Spike as cool as you are, hey-you could be a little less mean!!! Sometimes they're just straight out fucken dumb fucks and thats not there fault-blame their parents. Whos going to the Brisbane show?Judas Pissed said:Be my guest.
It's possible to inform people without sounding like a fucking asshole. This is all I have to say about this, it's clear that you're the kind of person that wouldn't get the point if it was beaten through you a million times.
brendo_91 said:Hmm... So you're saying that me and my over-18 mates can't all go to the same show in Melb?
What if they just pretend to be under 18?!
I know heaps of folks (including myself) who have managed to make it into The Corner whilst underaged... but still, it's probably not worth the gamble of $40, better off going to the U'18 show.Judas Pissed said:I pretended to be over 18 for years and it never worked. Believe me, The Corner will be enforcing the under 18s rule. If your friends wanna try pretending they're underage then they should be willing to miss out on Opeth entirely.
FrostbittenGrimness said:I'm going to the Sydney show, and the 2 Melbourne 18+ shows..
I'm quite sure the set list they will be playing is:
The whole of Damnation
Drapery Falls or Demon of the fall and a few other heavy songs as the encore :hotjump: ...
thank you koichi. but if you're going to read my mind, in future could you please be a little quicker and save me the making a fool of myself!Koichi said:How can they prove you are under 18?
If they ask you for id, say "I don't have any, I'm only 17".
That's exactly my point... you take it upon yourself to be the guy who always shows n00bs what dickheads they are. If you hate having to tell people the same info over and over, DON'T FUCKING DO IT! Let them figure out their own mistakes, or leave it to someone who's not quite as condescending as you to show them the error of their ways.Spike said:Feel free to ignore my posts when I'm trying to impart information in a thread like this. Wouldn't you find it a little bit irritating though when you have to rehash someone else's previous post because someone can't read their way sequentially through a thread to find an existing answer to a question they just asked?
can't you go to brisbane instead?ShroudOfDusk said:Virgin Black aye? That sounds great... but not great enough to travel across the country for... enjoy the show everyone