Opeth Board - Did I Miss Something?

Moonlapse said:
I don't get how you equate the New Opeth to the New Pelican...

Both lack of something . "The Fire in Our Throats Will Beckon the Thaw" lacks of grasp and I'm not really moved by it anymore except for two songs . I'm with Doomcifer about this .

"Ghost Reveries" is a good album , with some tedious/uninspired parts between repetiton and doubtful (sorry for French etc.. ) choices (I hardly stand some of the clean vocals and some keys) . It's very frustrating to hear such an awesome riff/sequence , like the one at 5.29 in "The Baying of the Hounds" until 6.28 , ending in nothing (what's the point of the solo? :erk: ) , a passage , which would totally fit on Blackwater Park by the way. Opeth did not really reinvent themselves and it's no surprise I don't find "Ghost Reveries" awesome. My main reproach : Opeth is partially saved because GR is not that bad of an album but at the end of the day when the excitement around it ends , what will become? What's next? A question that could already been formulated at the release of "Deliverance".
IOfTheStorm said:
Oh you just try to justify your venomous, poison spitting posts and behaviour towards me :(
IofS... go back and look at how things transpired. I think you'll see that you kicked up the profanity and intensity before Dark One.

Look, I think you have some good things to say. And maybe because English isn't your first language (I have a lot of respect for folks who are bilingual), you're not always as clear as you'd like to be. But I think you could tone down the intensity a bit, and still make your point. Just my opinion.

I am as clear as i want to be, the problem is that you should try to tell the difference between writing against SOMEONE, and writing against his SAYINGS. This is a thing that i greatly enjoy about flames, because i can say any crap imaginable (things i believe of course) about a band, and then the other (Dark One, here) can say any crap imaginable about me, in order to "win" (IOfTheShitStorm, how bad my english suck, my posts against proud america, etc). So leave the "you kicked up the profanity and intensity", if someone gets so hot tempered in a forum, then he should go to a doctor and discuss about his childhood's secrets (for example).
IOfTheSHITStorm said:
I am as clear as i want to be, the problem is that you should try to tell the difference between writing against SOMEONE, and writing against his SAYINGS.

Yes there is. But based on your attack on me in another thread, you obviously do not understand the difference

IOfTheSHITStorm said:
(Dark One, here) can say any crap imaginable about me, in order to "win" (IOfTheShitStorm, how bad my english suck, my posts against proud america, etc).

You make it seem like I'm just taking cheap shots at you while you're simply discussing music. Win?!?!? Man oh man are you ever delusional. If you never took any shots at me in the first place, these "flames" would never have occurred. You also take so much out of context in order to make conclusions that don't exist. Not only do you draw over the top conclusions, but you also phrase your opposition in an overly hostile manner. It is a manner meant to ruffle feathers rather than simply "discuss" a difference of opinion.
IOfTheStorm said:
This is a thing that i greatly enjoy about flames, because i can say any crap imaginable (things i believe of course) about a band.
I guess that's where you and I differ. When a post begins to sound like a flame, I begin to tune the poster out. I just don't see the value of flaming a band, especially if you're trying to have an intelligent discussion about them with people who enjoy their music.

To each their own.

My first post here was "No More Opeth"
your reply to this was :

Dark One said:
Then why read and post in a thread about them? Love them or hate them, they are a major influence in today's metal world and are going to be discussed, particularly when they release a new album. End of story

For someone that's so sick of the band, you sure do a good job of taking the time to bring up how much you dislike them over and over and over again ad nauseum.

So you do realize that this

Dark One said:
If you never took any shots at me in the first place, these "flames" would never have occurred. You also take so much out of context in order to make conclusions that don't exist.

is a joke.
General Zod said:
I guess that's where you and I differ. When a post begins to sound like a flame, I begin to tune the poster out. I just don't see the value of flaming a band, especially if you're trying to have an intelligent discussion about them with people who enjoy their music.

To each their own.

None of my posts here was meant to flame Opeth. Read them again.
Listening to 'The Grand Conjuration' for the second time now (because the Roadrunner Listening Lounge thing doesn't seem to have a track skip button, damnit) - I'm impressed so far, but then I pretty much am an Opeth fanboy, minus the Opeth-forum life membership and fanatical devotion. Love the production, particularly the bass tone. And the keyboards fit perfectly into the song, giving it a more majestic, epic feel than before. Some nice syncopated, rhythmic riffage in the heavier parts, too. Yeah, I'll be buying this. And the new Pelican. Swarm Of The Lotus too. Oh yeah...
Dev said:
Both lack of something . "The Fire in Our Throats Will Beckon the Thaw" lacks of grasp and I'm not really moved by it anymore except for two songs . I'm with Doomcifer about this .

"Ghost Reveries" is a good album , with some tedious/uninspired parts between repetiton and doubtful (sorry for French etc.. ) choices (I hardly stand some of the clean vocals and some keys) . It's very frustrating to hear such a awesome riff/sequence , like the one at 5.29 in "The Baying of the Hounds" until 6.28 , ending in nothing (what's the point of the solo? :erk: ) , a passage , which would totally fit on Blackwater Park by the way. Opeth did not really reinvent themselves and it's no surprise I don't find "Ghost Reveries" awesome. My main reproach : Opeth is partially saved but at the end of the day when the excitement around Ghost Reveries ends , what will become? What's next? A question that could already been formulated at the release of "Deliverance".

I do have to agree with that. For me the album is a collection of some stellar material indespersed with strange, filler, forced experimentation. I don't know how well I'm receiving the whole blues improvisation thing at the end of Hours of Wealth, nor the vocal/key parts that border on pop ballad on other parts of the album, not to mention the intro of Beneath the Mire, which contrasts by moving into one of the best riffs on the album.

It's true, the question of 'what's next' definately wasn't answered by this album, it only punctuated it more.

But at the very least, despite some of the great stuff on there, I am happy that Opeth did do something different, even if ocassionally the riffs do tend to seem very monotone and uninspired to let the vocal melodies/keyboards shine. It's hard to associate Opeth, a band that was always about forging intricate layers of guitars, with a sound that compromises guitars to make way for other elements.
General Zod said:
I guess that's where you and I differ. When a post begins to sound like a flame, I begin to tune the poster out. I just don't see the value of flaming a band, especially if you're trying to have an intelligent discussion about them with people who enjoy their music.

To each their own.


In this particular thread, it was indeed his "flaming a band" that ruffled my feathers. There is simply no need for his overt hostility towards them over and over and over and over again. I mean, he doesn't like them, thinks they're way overrated, is sick of all the discussion about them, blah, blah, blah, blah - we GET IT already, why keep slinging the negativity about them continuously? People who enjoy them or are at least interested in them are going to discuss their music, ESPECIALLY when a new album is coming out. Let those who are intersted discuss them.

For example, if a new Bathory album came out, I wouldn't be interested in listening to it, but I wouldn't invade threads discussing the new album to simply say in general that the band sucks and I don't want to see further discussion about them.
IOfTheStorm said:
My first post here was "No More Opeth"
your reply to this was :

So you do realize that this

is a joke.

You do realize that this post still doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Nevertheless, "No More Opeth" was not your first pot-shot at the band by any stretch of the imagination, so my initial response to "No More Opeth" (which was not overly hostile), was warranted. And you STILL never answered my first question in my initital response, which was "Then why read and post in a thread about them?"

And by the way, the "shots" I was referring to were your attacks on me in another thread that you conveniently are forgetting.
IOfTheStorm said:
This is a great thing also, you cut my sentence in half, which totally alters its meaning, in order to make your point. :worship:
My intent was not to alter the meaning of what you said. Even now, when I reread it, I'm not sure how I changed it. Regardless, I'm done with this thread. The horse is dead.

Dark One said:
For example, if a new Bathory album came out, I wouldn't be interested in listening to it, but I wouldn't invade threads discussing the new album to simply say in general that the band sucks and I don't want to see further discussion about them.

But Quorthon is dead. :cry: Or is he on an island somewhere chilling with 2pac? :err: