Opeth Board - Did I Miss Something?

General Zod said:
Back on topic...

This disc is wierd. Not in a bad way. But Opeth have definitely gone in a different direction. They've mellowed, but not in a "we want to sell more CDs" kind of way. Their signature sound is still there and Mikael still has the best Death vox in Metal, but they've added elements to their sound in a way they never have previously. Mikael's clean vocals have also continued to improve. Keyboards are very much a factor, in a very 70s Prog sort of way, but without the Wilson vibe. I need some time to absorb all of it. But I suspect this disc may wind up as one of my favorite Opeth CDs.


Yea I downloaded the whole album yesterday after ct thrash accused it of being a hubble. After first listen I can't give a concrete response. But i'm leaning towards giving it a thumbs up. I felt alot of progginess oozing from it. And Mikael's new clean vocals also added to the fact.

It wasn't a step up or a step down. More of a lateral evolution imo.
One Inch Man said:
So what you dudes are saying is that even if I wasn't blown away by March Into the Sea, I should still pick up Australasia?

Definitely. Australasia is soooooo much better.

Australasia>>>s/t>>March into the Sea
J. said:
However, I will agree with IotS in that Opeth are not the original band everyone thinks they are. Unfortunately, they are one of today's more popular newbie bands, as evidenced by the lovely forum here on UM.
I think they're neither as original as their most rabid fans claim, nor as unoriginal as their critics claim. But that's the case with almost all bands. To me, Opeth's sound is distinctive. Combine this distinctive sound, with good musicianship, incredible lyrics, the best Death vox in Metal (IMO) and strong songs, and you have something special.

J. said:
Dark One, it's kinda lame to make fun of someone from Greece doing his best to write in English. Can you write in Greek? Thought not.
Whenever I hear or read someone butchering English, I always remind myself that I can't speak a second language (I hope to correct that some day). However, when you state your opinion in a manner that's arrogant and/or childish, yet can't string together a coherent sentence, you're going to take some shit.

J. said:
As for the new Opeth. Fuck it. New Pelican is far more important.
Tell me more about this Pelican you speak of.

Doomcifer said:
The new Pelican still isn't grabbing me by the scrotum like Australasia does. Something just isn;t right about it.

I got that too, but I've listened to it about 30 times this week now and I'm getting over it. It's an amazing release. The post-rock comparison is also something I picked up on, though I hear more Explosions in the Sky than the other bands mentioned.
Doomcifer said:
Well, I mean, it is still a really good release, it just isn't as heavy as their previous output. They take on more of a "post-rock" structure to their songs, if that makes any sense. If I wanted that, I will listen to Mono, GY!BE, Evpatoria Report, and the like.

If you compare the new Opeth to GY!BE, you obviously fucking miss the point...bad.
Rensei said:
If you compare the new Opeth to GY!BE, you obviously fucking miss the point...bad.
haha, you aren't used to RC topic switches I guess. He was talking about the new Pelican. :loco:
<<It wasn't a step up or a step down. More of a lateral evolution imo.>>

That can definitely be said...about Pelican's new one. I enjoy the more ethereal moments on it and I have no complaints about the composition on any of the tracks (with the obvious exception of March getting chopped in half), but I'll admit to being slightly disappointed with the lack of heaviness, at least when compared to Australasia. At the very least, great album that will make people refrain from calling them stoner.
I've listened to the new Opeth once now, but am giving it one more try now. "Still Life" or "Morningrise", this is not, but it's at least on par with "Deliverance". Fans will of course herald this as the album of the millenia, but I'll have to disagree; this is simply another Opeth album, neither terribly good, nor terribly bad. Some of the solos on this album is relly nice, though, but that's hardly enough to change my view on the whole package.

Oh, and the first clean vocals on "Ghost of Perdition" are god-fucking-awful. It sounds like pop.
Papa Josh said:
I like the prog that I hear in this and will definitely purchase upon release. Interesting how some of his vocals sound more like Swano than ever before.

Hey man, I'm actually agreeing with you about 2 things in one post :lol:

I like the Swano-sounding bits that I heard on this. There's even one part that sounds like Tool (I think, I was stoned when i listned to it)... in Baying of the Hounds or Beneath the Mire right before he sings "they say you've gotta live before you die" or something like that.

I think I like this more than their last 3 albums so far. Seems like they did a few things right this time round: wrote some fucking good leads, dropped Steven Wilson as a producer, rehearsed and worked out better songs. Needs more listens, but it sounds darker and more genuine than any of their albums since Still Life to me.
Demilich said:
I think I like this more than their last 3 albums so far. Seems like they did a few things right this time round: wrote some fucking good leads, dropped Steven Wilson as a producer, rehearsed and worked out better songs. Needs more listens, but it sounds darker and more genuine than any of their albums since Still Life to me.

That paragraph is how I feel exactly. The prog stuff here is fantastic, not to mention the awesome keys that they use quite effectively. I especially agree with saying that this album seems more "genuine", because it really does. I honestly expected crap, but this is growing on me like fucking cancer.
General Zod said:
I think the problem with IOfTheStorm is his approach. He's welcome to any opinion he likes, and he's welcome to express it with any attitude he wishes. But for the most part, this is a friendly, respectful board. His responses are typically over the top and unwarranted.

But i didnt need to write "DarkShitOne" or try to "pown" the other by pointing his grammatical mistakes. :dopey:
IOfTheSHITStorm said:
But i didnt need to write "DarkShitOne" or try to "pown" the other by pointing his grammatical mistakes. :dopey:

No, you simply brought that on yourself with by phrasing your posts in a trashing, confrontational, mean-spirited and over the top way - in addition to stating that you identify with being thought of as an asshole.
IOfTheSHITStorm said:
Oh you just try to justify your venomous, poison spitting posts and behaviour towards me :(

I did. Don't play the martyr here, you justify it yourself. It wasn't just in this thread either. You trolled me in the past as well - I even gave you an out by asking you nicely in another thread if you were just joking around and you vehemently denied it, so don't play the innocent victim - it doesn't suit you well.

I have no problem with difference of opinion (even if those opinions are harsh) or normal discussion, but when you go over the top and do things to personally attack, that's when you become trollish.