Opeth - "Death metal sound is over"

It did the opposite of grow on me. First listen, I was pretty open to it. After several I just started to notice that I liked it less and less. I still really like "Folklore", but that's really the only one that I think is a "great song". The rest of it just doesn't appeal to me in the least bit.

Still love Opeth, just not that album.
It did the opposite of grow on me. First listen, I was pretty open to it. After several I just started to notice that I liked it less and less. I still really like "Folklore", but that's really the only one that I think is a "great song". The rest of it just doesn't appeal to me in the least bit.

Still love Opeth, just not that album.

I'm with you on just about all of that.

Just today, I put the album and it couldn't keep my attention. That said - while I don't think there's a single great song - there are a lot of parts I really like.

Oh well.
Heritage is an awesome record. After Damnation was hoping the band would do another clean album.
Opeth has never been a DM band and have always been influenced by 70's rock. The new album makes perfect sense.