Opeth - "Death metal sound is over"


I cant think of anything more apropriate to post than this....

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what a surprise!


This was my thoughts aswell...

I saw this about a week ago and chose not to post it for fear it wasn’t genuine and was just trolling. Is the album really being done mixed already that it’s being played for journalists 3-4 months before release? And I could be off base, but doesn’t it take even more time to encode into 5.1 surround sound?
Maybe I’m just making a last ditch prayer for growls by not believing the article just yet.
maybe opeth is tricking you into thinking they're selling out to trick you into to believe in that so they can trick you making more deaths metals in albums and saying tricky shit in the media so everyone can think I just got tired of metal just because I cantz the growlz anymorez coz satan is coming to get my soul already.
DarkGift du you have the link for the swedish review they talk about on the opeth-forum?

edit: nevermind, google is my friend.

sign up there ffs, become more of a retard <3

lol, well everyone has been complaining "why no damnation 2? :(:(:("

now we'll have an eternity of damnations

don't think this will sound like damnation though, feels like it's going progwank :erk:
U mad, Metalheads?

Yes I am, and sad.
It fucking sucks.
I have no doubt that Heritage will be an awesome album, Åkerfeldt rarely make bad music. But growls has been an important component in their songs for me, we will never get the same agression.
Looking beyond Opeth... Imagining never hearing his growl again IS fucking sad.

I'm having a hard time believing hes totally done with growls though, but if his throat has taken a real beating (looking at those horrible live recordings lately) then maybe he is. :(

I also agree with Lateralus...

For owning so many damn records, Mike really proved himself to be an utter tard in the realm of metal with various posts/opinions/etc. I mean he's said countless times that he's disappointed with the metal scene today, and yet the only bands he really mentions being disappointed in are bands that no self-respecting metalhead gives a damn about anyway (ie Killswitch Engage).

And then he goes on to say things like "but Gojira are pretty cool" or "Bloodbath is death metal the way it's meant to be played" or gems like that NITND comment. I mean Mike probably thinks that Bloodbath is God's gift to death metal just because it's a little more interesting than irrelevant non-metal names like Slipknot, and yet he remains woefully ignorant of the fact that, compared to some death metal acts, Bloodbath is basically third tier.

I could go on and on but gee wiz Mike despite some of your awesome musical output, I really wonder some times if your ego is just too big or if you perhaps have some existing mental condition.
I'm having a hard time believing hes totally done with growls though, but if his throat has taken a real beating (looking at those horrible live recordings lately) then maybe he is. :(

What about bloodbath then?
Well, looking at his statement that hes been tired of DM since the nineties and the probability of his throat being somewhat fucked, maybe hes done with it? Who the hell knows.

It's funny how I thought he was playing in Bloodbath to use more growls than he could in Opeth. I once heard in an interview he said that he actually enjoyed growling and that he got better with time. Also, he said he could do those anytimes and even better when he was sick..so this announcement makes me wonder
On the Damnation tour he also said "we are a Death Metal band" and "growling will always be a part of Opeth", that was a long time ago though.
I dunno, I guess we shouldnt take these latest quotes too seriously, hopefully hes just talking about Opeth, time will tell.

Its a shame anyway, BB will not make up for the absence of growl in Opeth, not the same.