Opeth fan siting


Under A Blackened Sky
Oct 8, 2001
Chicago, Illinois
Twas the first time i actually saw somone who likes opeth. not too many fans around here. so i was strolling through the mall, i hate malls but i was forced to go and i saw this dude wearing an opeth still life long sleeve shirt. do any of u that live in chicago go to the harlem and irving plaza thats where i saw the guy
wow...another Opeth fan...actually one lives in the same dorms as me, and we just had a jam session last night, and appears we may do some serious stuff together (ahhh, Opeth...bringing disillusioned youth together for 8 years and counting)
You poor unforunate souls......I know around 10 friends which mostly are fanatics, so this is god ha.:)