Opeth footage coming soon, link inside

I'll give them my right nut and someone else can give em his sack. Then Opeth has a full extra pair of testicles.

I see your point, and admire your enthusiasm, but now it sounds gay and I don't want to be a part of it because I hate gay people IMO.
I want to see them in 08' when they play all of Justice !!! I'd travel for that show. Not sure I want to be in a field with 100,000 Germans though.
Opethian666 said:
I'll give them my right nut and someone else can give em his sack. Then Opeth has a full extra pair of testicles. :loco:
In which they will give to Per, so he can be "one of the guys"
wwallinga said:
LMFAO - you know they haze the shit out of him every night.

is it any close to wha Jason has gone thoguh.....care ot sahre some hazing stories..!!!........PEAC EOUT
wwallinga said:
No way - Jason caught a lot of shit.

I hear....!!!.........Per's got it easy.......maybe we shoudl do somethign abou tuit...hahaha.......PEAC EOUT
Jason was the perfect whipping boy. He caught all the grief for the loss of Cliff. Per is not replacing anyone, well except for maybe SW's limited contributions.
opeth8 said:
Jason was the perfect whipping boy. He caught all the grief for the loss of Cliff. Per is not replacing anyone, well except for maybe SW's limited contributions.

I dont think SW even came alil bit close to beig even considedred a band member..!!!...Mike has asserted this numerous times.....PEAC EOUT
ten Sisi is the worst member ever...I nominante this newbie for teh BIGGEST DOUCHE IN TEH UNIVERSE AWARD...!!!.......PEAC EOUT