Opeth footage coming soon, link inside

i think he nailed the solo..........that was pretty good.........!!!....so KIRK stays in metallica....as decided by teh UM opeth forumers...hahaha...liek anyone gives a crapo waht we thingk...hahaha........PEAC EOUT
Metallica is one of the greatest metalbands and they are very good. I do not like the albums after the black album but they do deserve some respect instead of pathetic bullying. As musicians they probably play the shit out the most people on this board.

:kickass: enjoy the fukin gig instead :headbang:
derbeder said:
but none of them really does a good job playing live.

actually I'd say James is very solid live when it comes to guitar... vocals are always kinda :erk:-ish though

that was the worst fake laugh I've ever heard, lol
for me the main problem was teh speed....consistentaly downpickin is kindda hard for e for soem reason...but I can fake my way though it....not teh best way to go...hahaha....but as a guitarist i kindda am aware of my limitations....so thats why I mainly focus on songwriting....hopefulyl Im doin better at that ...hahahaha...........PEAC EOUT

Downpicking is something I nailed from the beginning, as well as alternate picking. I'm not very good at picking up though, I always tend to hit the string while going back downwards when I try to only pick up (probably something to do with the weird way I hold my pick), so I just stick to fast alternate picking or down picking, nothing really you can't do if you stick to those 2 techniques for rhythm.
THEYRE GONNA PLAY TEH ENTIRE MOP ALBUM..!!!...WOOOHOO...i cant wait for disposeable heroes..!!!.........PEAC EOUT
actually I'd say James is very solid live when it comes to guitar... vocals are always kinda -ish though

Have to agree with that his rhythm guitarring is pretty solid. And the MoP solo that Kirk did wasn't that bad. Maybe he's sobering up during the gig :lol:.