opeth- Ghost Reveries

The Opeth forum is a waste of server space. I left it a long time ago because of the terrible behavior there. They treat the Akerfeldts horribly there knowing full well they read the board. That's yet another example of why it should just be shut down. :(
Those are NOT true fans, and I hope the band realizes that. It makes me mad too, believe me, and when I left that place I gave those jerks a piece of my mind.
The new Opeth disc is great. My favorites are Beneath the Mire and Reverie/Harlequin Forest. The drumming and guitar work on this album really took it to the next level.

I still don't like The Grand Conjuration much though =\
I actually like TGC a lot. :)

It's "The Baying of the Hounds" that took awhile to grow on me. I think it's a decent song, but to me it's the "weakest" on there.

My faves are "Atonement", "Reverie/Harlequin Forest", and TGC.
I think every album since Still Life has been hailed as a "sellout". I remember when they produced the Damnation/Deliverance pair so many people whined about how crap it was that Opeth did a mellow album. Heathans, how dare they call themselves Opeth fans.
Korona said:
I think every album since Still Life has been hailed as a "sellout". I remember when they produced the Damnation/Deliverance pair so many people whined about how crap it was that Opeth did a mellow album. Heathans, how dare they call themselves Opeth fans.

I think if you're going to do nothing but be negative towards a band (I'm not talking about legitimate criticism that deals with both the good and the bad), then you really aren't a fan. I mean, there are things Opeth, Symphony X, or whatever band have done that I don't care for, but I don't sit there and harp on the negative--and I ESPECIALLY wouldn't do it where I knew band members or those close to them were reading because that's incredibly inconsiderate of their feelings. As a writer, I am quite sensitive to how other people would feel about behavior like that towards the work they spent so much time creating.
Korona said:
I think every album since Still Life has been hailed as a "sellout". I remember when they produced the Damnation/Deliverance pair so many people whined about how crap it was that Opeth did a mellow album. Heathans, how dare they call themselves Opeth fans.
It's kind of weird that people would consider the Damnation/Deliverance pair to be sellout albums. Deliverance is, in my opinion, one of the most inaccessible Opeth albums, and although it sold well, Damnation seems like something that wouldn't make the band much money. Opeth has always been honest with their fans, even going so far as to say that they make the music for themselves, not the fans (which makes perfect sense to me), and they strike me as the type to just say "hey, we need money, so we're doing something more mainstream" if they really were planning to "sell out". So, in conclusion, no matter how true you are to your music and your fans, you can't avoid "selling out" (notice the quotes) if you've been around for more than 15 years.
ThornsOfSorrow said:
Opeth has always been honest with their fans, even going so far as to say that they make the music for themselves, not the fans (which makes perfect sense to me)

Yeah, that's not necessarily a bad thing, if it means they really put their souls into it (and I think it does). :)
the_satanic_rabbit said:
This one had to grow on me. I didn't like it much at first. Something about the mix kinda bothers me. Overcompressed, too clean maybe? Sounds a bit thin.

I have the same 'problem', it doesn't make me enjoy the disc any less but still.. they said Ghost Reveries had the best and most crushing sound they've ever had, and that that new producer guy was better than anyone else. Well sorry, but maybe they should pop in Blackwater Park themselves. THAT's crushing sound.
I've never been able to get into Opeth, but this album isn't too bad. Tracks 1, 2, 3, 5, and 7 are pretty cool. However, I'm just not too big on all these clean-sounding sections that appear multiple times in every song. It's just boring to me. Tracks 4, 6, and 8 are snoozefests (minus one cool riff in track 6).

Any recommendations on which album to check out next?
MorphineChild205 said:
I've never been able to get into Opeth, but this album isn't too bad. Tracks 1, 2, 3, 5, and 7 are pretty cool. However, I'm just not too big on all these clean-sounding sections that appear multiple times in every song. It's just boring to me. Tracks 4, 6, and 8 are snoozefests (minus one cool riff in track 6).

Any recommendations on which album to check out next?

Obviously nothing with any soft songs on it, because you seem to be one of those strict metal-only types.
MorphineChild205 said:
Any recommendations on which album to check out next?

Well, I personally love Blackwater Park. Songs 1 (The Leper Affinity), 2 (Bleak), 4 (The Drapery Falls), 6 (The Funeral Portrait) and 8 (Blackwater Park) are all metal songs, check them out.
Rose Immortal said:
you seem to be one of those strict metal-only types.

Not at all.

I like plenty of slower, non-metal songs -- just not the ones by Opeth. Their slower, quieter, clean songs bore me to death -- it's too atmospheric for me. However, I must say that I prefer when Opeth's lyrics are sung (as opposed to grunted, or however death metal vocals are referred to). But as far as the death metal vocals go, they're probably the best I've heard (mainly because I can usually understand what he's saying).

Something positive I can say about the clean sections on Ghost Reveries is that I love the way the guitars sound. It's a really crisp quality that does make the songs a tad bid less boring in my opinion.

Metal was the first genre of music that I really liked, but that doesn't mean it's all I like. In fact, I'm about 50/50 when it comes to metal & prog -- just not boring prog.
I listened to the album again, and while I'm still not big on the clean tracks, I must say that Ghost of Perdition and Reverie/Harlequin Forest are both amazing songs.
MorphineChild205 said:
I listened to the album again, and while I'm still not big on the clean tracks, I must say that Ghost of Perdition and Reverie/Harlequin Forest are both amazing songs.

LOL, it has a rather pernicious effect the more you listen to it, doesn't it? The more you listen too it, the more it will continue to grow on you... ;)