Opeth - Ghost Reveries

The Hubster said:
It's too clean. The album sounds "built" or constructed. it's been Pro-Tooled to the hilt.

The diluted and simplistic nature of Ghost Reveries is a testament to this.

Opeth have had their time, much like Maiden after Seventh Son of a Seventh Son. The apex has been reached, the peak experience enjoyed.

All I can do is laugh. The fundamental problem with 90% of metalheads is that they either don't understand music from a creative perspective or if they do try to be creative they know so little about what they are doing that they are complete shit at it. Still it doesn't seem to stop them from commenting on things as if they are authoritive. The point is though, who really gives a shit if Opeth are metal or not anyway. I love the comment 'simplistic nature' especially though. What I want to see is Hubster's synopsis of song form, chord progression, voice leading, rythm, counterpoint, and so on, of Ghost Reveries. I think the obvious conclusion is that we shouldn't hold our breath. As for the "Pro-Tooled to death" comment, this is a typical comment from anyone trying to look like they are puristic about music, and we all know that Opeth need protools because they can't really play in time or sing in pitch.
Opinions are one thing but being a complete idiot is something else. Try listening to the music rather than looking at the lable they are signed to.
Elistist crap.
HAHA, yes, very good point Nothinggod. But Hubster is not an elitist and he is far from it, he is very open minded to many genres of metal/rock etc which does make me very surprised that he hates this album so much. I don't know, maybe he is just upset because its not black metal like he thought it would be. Thats how I have taken it from reading what he has said in other threads.

I also laugh at the way elitists criticise Opeth to. I mean, do they realise that Opeth's music is more complicated than all their grind and black bands put together? Seriously. I love all my metal and I am a huge fan of black metal especially, but no doubt, Opeth shits all over them and there are only a few black metal bands that come close to the musical quality of Opeth.

But who cares anymore, let them say what they want. At the end of the day, open minded individuals towards metal have a better idea whats quality and whats just good to band your head to.

huh... do you realise you sound like a big Opeth elitist idiot right now? Since when being an Opeth elitist is better than being a black metal elitist? I was wondering if the generalisations made about Opeth fans were right... I guess they are.
Did you read that I said I love all my metal? Obviously you didn't. I am far from an Opeth elitist. Just a person who appreciates talented bands. And since we are talking about an Opeth album here, then I guess Opeth is the band we should be talking about.

Go start an Arcturus thread, or an Enslaved thread, or a Between the Buried and Me thread, or Neurosis or any other quality band, and I can assure you that I will speak for them the same way I speak for Opeth.

Since AsModEe isn't specific about who his last post was directed at I will reply to him as well. I dont really see where I gave any opinion at all about Opeth or about 'Ghost Reveries', and whether I am an Opeth 'fan' is beside the point. My post is to address the fact that saying that the production is too clean and sounds like it is pro-tooled as well as the comment that Ghost Reveries is "diluted and simplistic" with no other explaination is ridiculous. I think most people that call themselves metalheads care more about the image of the music than the music itself. Which brings me to one of the main points that most people seem to forget, and that is that 'metal' is music. Shit, sorry Opeth signed to Roadrunner. They must have wanted to make a living as musicians rather than having to work shit jobs for the rest of their lives so they could make the metal community happy. Let's face it though Roadrunner does sign a lot of bands that seem to take their image more seriously than their music. But did it really effect the kind of music Opeth made? I mean where are the 'hits' on 'Ghost Reveries'? Unless mainstream radio started playing ten minute songs back to back, I don't know. Having heard the record, I can't really say that there are many I IV V progressions there or 1, b2, b7 based riffs either. The fact of the matter is though that Opeth are quite popular now and as such have more resources to spend on recording and production as well as marketing. Which brings me to another point why would having more clear production be a bad thing? The more clean the production is the more exposed the musicianship is, and personally I would rather hear the playing if it is tight than have it all compressed and distorted. Bad production typically covers up a lot of shitty playing and good production tends to expose it. So why would you rather hear a tight band with shitty production? I ask this question every time someone bitches about how Emperor 'sold out' by having good production on 'Prometheus'. Those same people would be lothe to give any kind of synopsis of Emperor's compositional techniques too though, I would guess. In the end though the main point I am making is that comments like the hubster and others on this thread have made are more about their concerns that Opeth just aren't 'metal' enough anymore than what the record actually sounds like. I can't honestly see where Ghost Reveries is more or less complex musically than say Still Life or Morningrise. The style has changed and you might not like it, but I can't see how you can say it is more or less complex unless you are going to write a technical synopsis.
opeth not for true metallers? ok fine, whatever you say, i like the music! don't care if i'm a troo metaller or not!

i think opeth have moved away from a lot of the raw power that got them noticed, and that's why some people don't like the new album. it's a bit light on heavy stuff for me. still great.

amazing clan mentality some of you people have, makes no sense!
So I have had GR for 2 months now and I also was sceptical initially of its release, due to Opeth signing with Road Runner and the inclusion of a full time pianist.

I saw Opeth live when they first announced Per had been asked and accepted his place in the band. As he was playing a ‘supportive’ role of the Opeth back catalogue I was unsure where he would fit in or if his role in the band would now seem forced in their music.
This is merely my own opinion but I don’t feel Per’s role is forced anywhere on GR but has instead allowed them to explore a new and fresh feel to their music which they pull it off nicely.
As for the Road Runner signing, I guess only time will tell, I do hope they keep their roots. Already we have a version of The Grand Conjuration cut up and halved in length for an Opeth film clip which has been over played on commercial TV and although I do like that an Opeth presence is felt in a commercial sense, this move has wrecked many good, solid bands in the past. One thing about Opeth until now is they have always been hard to find unless you are looking, they have for a long time had a strong presence in the metal genre however now you can find them played back to back with Britney Spears and Jessica Simpson in an obvious Road Runner attempt to gather new fans. Im not against them selling albums but this in itself has already taken away one of the positive and unique points which Opeth managed to keep for so long.

Back to the album…I have listened to it many many times and unlike their others, this one only took 2 or 3 times before I ‘got it’. I was happy to find the new direction it took as I had found some of their previous albums had fallen into a musically repetitive rut. Their music became more predictable and most of the songs followed the same musical pattern whilst still being very very good, the predictability was not becoming a positive trait. Not this time. This is new but still very much Opeth. There aren’t many bands which I can listen to from start to finish to experience the ‘journey’ which Opeth takes you on and GR to me is no different from this aspect.
Label it how you like but I do believe this album is brilliantly different and deserves its own merit rather than comparison with their other many successes.

I think only time will tell where Opeth are headed, maybe they have found themselves again or maybe they will continue to progress into something else but they have very solid foundations and very headstrong members who create their music how they have wanted to, I hope this continues.
I've been Opeth's fan since extremely challenging and perfectly composed (IMO) "Park" album. Then two things happened: "Deliverance" couldn't completely acheive that level (or, maybe, I haven't gotten into it), but "Damnation" showed us a bit "alter-egoed", but anyway great Opeth. I suppose that "Ghost Reveries" at last crowned "the perfect trinity" of their albums - rather unexpectedly, because I had the same mixed feelings about this release as the reviewer had (i.e. - total lack of ANY excitement). 10/10 so far.
I like the album, maybe it's not what many expected to be, but Opeth is one of those bands that are quite unpredictable to just stick to one path. What they do/create/perform as music can not be disregard. Artists sometimes go further thoughts :OMG:
Hey Guys, this is my first visit eon this site, its cool!!!

Humm I This Opeth is a really good band cause they can mix alot of music style together, thats what I like. Anyways I bought Ghost reveries and I don't know if its because I really like Opeth but I love this album. It's good but it's not the better eh :P Anyways, I hope to find out other Cool bands!:rock:

If anyone have some suggestion... could be great cya
Good album, but it's also my least favorite of theirs, I even prefer Damnation over this. Some of the songs seem to have too much of an uplifting/upbeat kind of vibe, as opposed to being bleak or dreary, and I don't care for all the keyboards. Also, the final track, Isolation Years, is my least favorite track of theirs ever. Hopefully they don't stray too far from their death metal roots as they progress and I hope the "cheery" Opeth trend doesn't continue.
The first track Ghost of Perdition is the only highlight of the album for me.

Opeth have veered too far into prog territory. I'd say that GR is 30% death metal, 70% prog.

I also hate how they've recycled alot of their solos. The solo on Baying of the Hounds is like a mash of all their Deliverance solos. This lack of originality(as compared to their own past material) is pretty disappointing. 8/10
ok...as a huge fan of Opeth I have to say that previous albums were much better...However its style was more progressive and
ok...as a huge fan of Opeth I have to say that previous albums were much better...However its style was more progressive and I kinda liked it...Anyway Opeth are still a good band and will continue to be...
Being a huge fan of: My Arms Your Hearse, I stepped into the world of Ghost Reveries with extreme trepidation.
On the first listen my fears were confirmed, I said to myself "Not one of those songs are allowed to stand next to Demon Of The Fall!"
But being a perseverant kind of chap I kept at it, and with each listen, the genius of: Ghost Reveries unfolded before me.
Every second of every song feels like Mikael and crew have poured premium Opeth Juice all over them, it's syrupy texture oozing into every pore and crack.
It's easily my favourite Opeth album and I don't think I'm jumping the gun here by saying it's my favourite album ever.:notworthy :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy
while GR doesn't touch me as, say, BWP or MAYH do, I think it is a great album. somehow it has a "lighter" feel to it, even some really upbeat sections. but its maturity is something I really enjoy.

very good review!