Opeth has no musical theory????

I was laughing because he was joking dumbass... its a funny joke, and thats why i laughed...

shut up.
i know someone who for their philosphy degree was given a sentence saying "is this a question?" now they're meant to write reams etc on the topic but he just wrote "only if this is an answer"

philosophy, although interesting, can be tedious and is CERTAINLY a non-subject when it boils down to it
i think he failed, OR he took it again and did it properly, either way it didn't get him anyway, shame.

T'is awesome though
^ thats really rediculous, i hate how teachers grade those kind of classes - like english, philos, etc.

I don't agree with your opinion, and I think you could have wrote more about this, and this can't be true, ure handwriting is terrible, also you forgot to write 6.5 paragraphs, and you wrote one word less than 500. You loose.

luckily and thankfully I had my last english lesson a few weeks back but I truly hate it. I am told I write well (when I can be bothered) but I always get low marks because, quote, "you don't write what you're meant to" it's sick isn't it

English lessons (from what I've been exposed to) are a lesson in diplomacy. if you dislike a book/poem then you don't say so, you pick out the good points, if there aren't any then you delicatly broach the subject of the tone or something equally inocuous. We were told what to write for our GCSE's and what it was was truly rubbish, in content and style. I wrote something different, soon see what happens.

Also i dislike a lot how you have to constantly quote from the text to support your arguement because the most interesting arguements are macroscopic yet you get the marks for pointing out uninteresting details such as "the exclamation mark adds surprise". Well at least i dont have to do it anymore :kickass:

it also seems that people who like music/are musical dislike english, just an observation of where I am anyway
Ahh, I can speak at lengths on this subject.

It's true that not knowing any musical theory you can still write some cool, technical stuff. I wrote music before I even knew what a chord was that now I look back and think 'damn, ever since learning theory I haven't been able to be that creative, unhindered'. Then again, learning theory HAS given me new ideas and possiblities to extrapolate.

Personally, I feel theory is basically like a tips and tricks book. You can do just fine without it, but if you absorb some of it, it does benefit you in the long run, even if just minutely.

I have written alot of songs (completely by myself), and my technique is essentially not to force anything. I've got songs that change keys multiple times, that often use notes that are out of key (I like dissonance and 9 times out of 10 I like minor key stuff more than major key), but if all you ever do is write pretty happy music, there's no balance or diversity.

One band I currently love is ISIS because they are a perfect example of balance and covering the whole spectrum. They have some very dissonant, not great sounding stuff, they have some middle of the road stuff and then they have some beautiful stuff. It's all good.

The great thing about dissonance is that the more you listen to it, the better consonance sounds. Sounds weird, but it's true. If all you ever listen to is 145 chord progressions in a major scale, a minor 3rd or 6th would sound awful to you.

My guitar teacher gets kinda annoyed when he listens to my songs, because he KNOWS I'm putting stuff in that doesn't fit on purpose.
Nairolf said:
i know someone who for their philosphy degree was given a sentence saying "is this a question?" now they're meant to write reams etc on the topic but he just wrote "only if this is an answer"

philosophy, although interesting, can be tedious and is CERTAINLY a non-subject when it boils down to it

Ah God, that subject makes me want to butcher people. Utter pretentiousness. How fucking obnoxious is that question.

Your friend rules by the way. He should've also punched his teacher in the face to punctuate his answer.
Nairolf said:

luckily and thankfully I had my last english lesson a few weeks back but I truly hate it. I am told I write well (when I can be bothered) but I always get low marks because, quote, "you don't write what you're meant to" it's sick isn't it

English lessons (from what I've been exposed to) are a lesson in diplomacy. if you dislike a book/poem then you don't say so, you pick out the good points, if there aren't any then you delicatly broach the subject of the tone or something equally inocuous. We were told what to write for our GCSE's and what it was was truly rubbish, in content and style. I wrote something different, soon see what happens.

Also i dislike a lot how you have to constantly quote from the text to support your arguement because the most interesting arguements are macroscopic yet you get the marks for pointing out uninteresting details such as "the exclamation mark adds surprise". Well at least i dont have to do it anymore :kickass:

it also seems that people who like music/are musical dislike english, just an observation of where I am anyway

The thing that got me about English is that they attempt to homogenize everyone's writing to conform to some bullshit academic ideal. During the more lax years of school, I used to get straight A's in the subject and somewhat enjoyed it. During the latter years the marks started dropping exponentially because I refused to adhere to their generic structures.

I think what they see as success is when they've taken the last ounce of character from someone's writing style and made them indefinable from the person next to them.
Moonlapse said:
The thing that got me about English is that they attempt to homogenize everyone's writing to conform to some bullshit academic ideal.

I hear you. That was beyond frustrating. What makes it even worse is that in College no one gives a fuck what your moronic high school teachers read in their little manuals... they want clear, effective thinking, not some formula.

Education boards should all be lined up and shot like dirty trannies.
both you guys above ^moonie and justin. You have the idea, specially moonlapse. I used to get straight A's too but thats because earlier on we werent working towards a syllabus we were given pretty much free reign, now that we've had the exams its all about analysing language with bad examples...at the moment we did poems from other cultures which was clearly just to fill governemtn criteria. Its just jumping through hoops and i dont like jumping through hoops, in fact I ten to actively AVOID the hoops.

So for a levels i'm doing maths physics and other subjects that require clear thinking, no gray area, its right or wrong. Much prefer that, but I'm really only doing two so i can practice the violin