Opeth, Porcupine Tree...help me out


Sep 6, 2002
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Being a huge fan of Pink Floyd, Porcupine Tree, and Opeth (as well as Death Metal of course!) Ive been looking around for awhile on bands that are similar to those I listed above, you know, something brilliant. Maybe theres none out there. Otherwise, just some music thats easy to listen to, a CD I could play in front of a bunch of ppl and have them just say "woah!" Nothing too mainstream but something thats still enjoyable to the masses. btw, everyone whom Ive shown Porcupine Tree has loved it! Hope Opeth and Porcupine Tree get more recognition as Ive been noticing lately...
Anekdoten is a bit like PT mixed with Damnation. I've only heard a little of them, but I like it. For the heavier side, check out Novembre, Maudlin of the well, and Enslaved. Enslaved started getting kind of weird and progressive as they went on, and while their early stuff is good too, their last 3 albums are what you're looking for (look them up on LM or something).

And I second Devin.
Alex78 said:
Devin Townsend's stuff has a lot of "woah!" moments

I disagree for the most part. Dev is my second favorire artist (Dan Swano) but it took me longer to get into him than most. The same is true for any of my friends who I share Dev with. They always say "sounds like typical rock" until I let them borrow the cd awhile. Then they realize what a fool they were for saying that. Hehe.