Opeth Riff Thread - Part 3


Apr 5, 2002
Melbourne, Australia
Yep, it's back once again.

Lately I've been learning my way around a new host recording program (Cubase SX), as opposed to my old one (Adobe Audition/Cool Edit Pro). It's been pretty nifty and I've been messing around with layering rhythm guitar tracks with up to 3 overdubs, with lesser distortion and all that. Decided to do a part of White Cluster just for the hell of it.

Oh, as for the drums, it's just the MIDI ripped from the gp4 tab, so don't blame me about them sounding too artificial :p. I overlayed them with samples from the Drumkit from Hell, so that should help.


Anyway, as always, I'm looking forward to hearing your recordings.

EDIT: Geocities doesn't seem to be liking it (the link is broken). Not sure what's wrong.
Well, the link worked for me! It sounds good, but maybe a bit too 'electonic', perhaps a little bit more bottom end would be good, but you're missing the bass ofcourse. I'm not the one to blame you though, I still can't find a good recording distortion.

What kinda distortion do you use? And how do you record? Mic or not? (You probably answered this before, but I don't remember ;P)

I didn't record a whole lot lately, only interesting thing is Madrigal (it's not finished though)

http://www.geocities.com/arjensdump/sound/madrigal.mp3 (C&P)

The high guitars with volume swells are still missing. I also tried overdubbing, this time with clean tracks. The sounds is okay, however the lead thingy sounds a bit 'inside a tin can'.
You won't regret that you changed over to Cubase, I used to use CEP as well, and then I "got" Cubase, and it's just so much more powerful and easier to work with.
The lead guitar seems to be not tuned well or stomething.
It doesn't sound harmonic.
You have to copy and paste the links in your adress bar dude, GeoCities doesn't allow hotlinking.
Yeah there's definately alot of things missing from my recording. I've just been reading up for the past week on the best ways of 'filling it up'. The drumkit from hell just naturally seems to have that mechanical, artificial sound, and it's really hard to draw any kind of real definition from it.

The guitars are just something experimental. 4 tracks all the way through. 2 tracks done with Amplitube, 1 panned hard left and one half-left. Another 2 tracks done with Warp VST, panned right and half-right. All the tracks use Andy Sneap's C4 compression setting. I've noticed this compression setting takes alot of lows out of the guitar, but I'm sure in professional recordings that's how the guitar is meant to lie there.

Pretty cool madrigal recording. That was one of the first songs I ever covered, it's still lying around here somewhere methinks.
Yeah, synergy, I can't access your file either. Geocities seems to be having issues with larger files.

Thanks for the offer btw, suislide, but I don't think this recording is worthy of going through all the trouble hosting.
Dude, both your files work, just note that the forum cuts the longer links down (notice the dots in the middle of the links). You can't just select and copy it. You have to right click it and choose 'Copy link' or something similar. Or choose 'Properties' (or however that option's called in English) and copy the whole link from there.

Edit: Hmm, now it says the files are unavailable, they worked 2 seconds ago for me... :/
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^^ Message I get when I try to copy and paste the actual link, not the text itself.
Yeah, see my edit. The links worked before I made that post, so I thought the error was on your side. But well, I was wrong, sorry. :)
haha...harsh. I dont know anything about recording so I just blast it from the amp straight into my computer mic and then put some fake effects on it. I didn't think it came out THAT bad