Texas Tech!!
i have a real-time analyzer in vst, but it seems like it uses alot of cpu power and its always like a second behind.. i dont know why.. i have a really good comp. its free, so ill put it on my site if you want.
Yeah, I used a combination of Amplitube and WARP VST, one left track in amplitube and one left track in WARP, and vice versa. Anyway, I have no idea how to get a decent distorted tone. THAT IS MY MAIN PROBLEM WITH GUITAR! Can you possibly give me some kind of approximation on how you achieved good sounds with amplitube?Moonlapse said:wankerness, the track just came online. fiddle alot with amplitube, believe me, it is capable of much better sounds than that (provided that's what you're using). the best I've been able to achieve however are in that Enemy Within file. the benighted thing is Guitar Rig. it's all software-processed. try cutting some lows out of the sound, there is way too much bass.
Several fuckups. Lots of stuff played incorrectly to begin with. No vocals. Midi sucks.Gunhaver said:
right click and save you guyz!!
first like 5 minutes of forest of october. i recorded the guitars and used the drums and bass from guitar pro
Protected Witness said:Several fuckups. Lots of stuff played incorrectly to begin with. No vocals. Midi sucks.
Verdict: Talks the talk, walks like a gimp.
Yay, trolling is so fun!