Opeth - Sydney

I found out during the gig that I'm jedi...

eppppiiiiicccc dude!!!

We walked around the outside, but there was like 3 possible exits they could be coming out of. I spoke to a roadie who said they had to go straight away and couldn't stop so we bailed after that...

ah well, there will be other times. lets hope that promise of next year reigns true!
It was a pretty schweeeeet gig I had a lot of fun.

Mikael's amp blew a fuse me thinks, anyone know exactly what happened? It was at the perfect point of the song imo.
I agree, I was waiting in the line for ages.
I went out side to the lockers, they wouldn't let me back in to get merch. :mad: So I ended up with nothing.

Ther are photos of the gig up on fasterlouder.

This one was taken mid song (I can't remember which song) brutal pit. I'm second from the left.

I went out side to the lockers, they wouldn't let me back in to get merch. :mad: So I ended up with nothing.

Ther are photos of the gig up on fasterlouder.

This one was taken mid song (I can't remember which song) brutal pit. I'm second from the left.


Dare I ask how many other crowd shots on fasterlouder feature you in front row? :p

Awesome pics though. I want Per's Nihilist shirt.
When I was on the gate at Sydney a woman next to me overheard my conversation realizing I had also flown up from Melbourne to see them again. Started talking to her to find out she is the one with the Opeth license plate. I freaked her out by asking if she drove a Prelude. She's like wtf how did you know that, and for people who have been reading here for years may have seen the photo someone took ages ago of her car. She was telling me she gets followed regularly of people taking photo's of it.
Anyone recall what subject Mikael said Mendez' talk should be on? "And now it is time for Mendez, to do a one hour, spoken word..." - what next? I didn't quite catch the last bit...?

I believe it was something along the lines of "reading the entire script of Neighbours"