opeth would sound stupid if....

If they don't release their Black-Metal album i expect so much , lol :p
Needled24Seven said:
are you saying this in general
or just as far as opeth goes???

Personally i think the keyboards are annoying most of the time and ruin the otherwise good music...sorry to offend you
...If Martin Lopez decided to pound away at the drums with stupid blastbeats like the talentless Nick Barker from Dimmu Borgir.

Disturbed4ntics said:
...If Martin Lopez decided to pound away at the drums with stupid blastbeats like the talentless Nick Barker from Dimmu Borgir.
Nick Barker is talanted. It's just that his drums sound(ed) horrible due to "over-triggering"...

And if he would play with Opeth, I don't think he would use blastbeats at all. Just because he plays in a blackmetal band doesn't mean that it's the only music he is capable of playing.
Ivanhoe said:
Nick Barker is talanted. It's just that his drums sound(ed) horrible due to "over-triggering"...

And if he would play with Opeth, I don't think he would use blastbeats at all. Just because he plays in a blackmetal band doesn't mean that it's the only music he is capable of playing.

Well, you do have a point. I suppose I shouldn't have said Barker was talentless. It takes talent to learn a skill(playing the drums). I don't understand where the talent is in blastbeating though. Nearly every Death Metal and Black Metal band I hear incorpates ridiculous drumming into every song, usually the entire length of it. I don't play an instrument, but I don't see the talent in pounding away at the drums like a child who is just having his/her first orgasm. I haven't really heard much else from Barker but his absurd drumming tendencies. No amount of riffs or melodies could make a song sound even remotely good with a bunch of smashing in the background. Opeth just wouldn't be Opeth. They would be leveled off to a mediocre band with a trendwhore passion of trying to be as agressive as possible. I seriously think there is a race out there---"How many hits per second can you accomplish?"

Well, that's my ignorant take and my 2 cents.