
Originally posted by BoF
:eek: Just heard the new Opeth album at a friend's! WOW! I just cum in my own pants!!!!!!!!! Something to look forward to!!

Was it burned/downloaded or an actual copy? :confused:
I couldn't care less (but I cared enough to post this... hmmm). Nothing Opeth does or have done interests me at all.
Falling Bird: Yeah actually it's way better than sex.....;)

Ormir: What is it about Opeth that you don't like???? :confused:

Oh and it was a promotion by the way :)
I think the release date for Deliverance is like the 4th or 5th of November....I for some reason remember seeing that somewhere, I also have a pre-ordered copy :D Can't wait to have my paws on that!!
Originally posted by BoF
Ormir: What is it about Opeth that you don't like???? :confused:
Their style of arrangement. Seem just like a few interesting riffs with nothing to do with each other thrown together, play some repetitive "acoustics" between them, and call it a song. I hate bands that don't innovate, and Opeth has really done nothing but repeat the same formula over and over again.
Ormir: bullshit!
(but this is your taste and if you feel about Opeth like this, we probably cannot convince you, which is really sad indeed...)

Anyway, Mikael Aakerfeldt is GOD.
I already ordered my Deliverance today. Haven´t listened to any new song yet (no Kazaa this time, although it was hard resist). So I´m really looking forward to having my CD. :)
Originally posted by bleedingfilth
I think the release date for Deliverance is like the 4th or 5th of November....I for some reason remember seeing that somewhere, I also have a pre-ordered copy :D Can't wait to have my paws on that!!

4:th in Europe, just ordered mine too
It's the 4th in Europe? Have you seen anything about the states? I just want to make sure I have the date right, that way if it doesn't come in the mail I wont be dissapointed. Maybe I should check out the Opeth board...:)
@Bleedingfilth: When I mentioned their new CD in a past thread, someone (can't remember who) informed me that it was due out on the 11th of November. I believe it was under the thread titled "General", so if you wanted to check that out, it'll be in there.
I refuse to download Deliverance, or to read any thread about it. I only read the first post of this one. I want the whole thing to be a surprise. Less than a week to go... :hotjump:
I have no idea when it'll make it's way to NZ, I haven't ordered it because I can't afford to, but hopefully that'll be rectified soon.
To be honest, I'm awaiting it with a little trepidation. I didn't particularly like the last 2, especially BWP, and if I don't like this one it'll be my last Opeth purchase, and I really don't want to let go of this band, the first 3 albums are stunning.
You'll not even Damnation if you don't like Deliverance, even though Damnation is going to be so different??
Probably not- I'll cross that bridge when I come to it (hopefully I won't have to). I tend to stick with bands out of nostalgia long after they start to suck, but there has to be a cut-off point where you decide to stop supporting them- 3 albums in a row that I'm not fussed with is a good time to end it I think (although I don't dislike SL, it has good songs, they just don't grab me, asof right now I couldn't hum you a single riff off any of the songs, yet I could sing just about everything off the first 2, and this is not for lack of listening to SL)