Opeth's bassiest song


Apr 5, 2002
Melbourne, Australia
I was just here listening to Advent and realized that the bass guitar on Morningrise was alot more prominent than on later releases. I personally think 'Advent' is Opeth's most bass-involving song, and one that implements the bass guitar well.

How bout you?
I am bass player myself and I agree with you. But I prefer later albums with M.M. on good old Fender Jazz bass :). Farfalla is(was) incredible bassist but he does not suit with current Opeth style so much anymore.
I prefer also good old 4-string basses with passive electronics and not those 5-6 string banjos with active mics which make this plastic noise :D . Sometimes they suite better, but not with current Opeth style IMO.
Moonlapse is right that saying Morningrise had more involved bass lines in it. I’d also agree with Zed saying the Mendez is best suited to today’s Opeth, but Morningrise I see as one of the best albums they have but then again the bass in Morningrise is fun to play. So I’m tied on this one. I guess as an Opeth fan I'm more Inclined to say I like Mendez cos hes so cool and a fantastic bassist, but the older songs have more to do with the bass then some of the newer stuff. As for listening to the music as a whole I feel the older bass lines did not fit as such but still were cool. I guess maybe if the earlier baselines were not so aggressive and they utilised the smoothness of a fretless I wouldn’t be sad that they now have a sexy bass elf dude. I also have to express the fact that I like Martins jazzy style and background it comes out in their music allot!!! GO Mendez!!!. And Zed imp a passive pick up dude myself :headbang:
I agree about the bass being more prominent on the earlier albums.. ive never even heard the bass on MAYH.. (i think mikael actually did the bass on that album though), and very rarely ever since until damnation.

the older basslines were extremely.. warm. the bassiest song that i can think of is to bid you farewell. the bass is EVERYWHERE in that song, and it is the warmest bass in any opeth song by far. its just so lovely, and the song would not be the same without it.
I love active bass... given of course that Mendez' style suits newer Opeth alot more, especially in the case of Damnation, I just can't get over that awesome active bass sound. Farfalla's bass at times didnt even sound like a bass guitar.. he almost had the range to play in the treble cleff, and on top of that his bass lines were fucking different... he had some amazing parts that almost played lead along-side the guitar at times, and of course with that awesome metallic sound that the active PUs bring out.

I feel that alot of the time, especially in metal, a passive bass is easily drowned out, as Mendez is quite frequently. His bass lines are very nice, but what's the use when half the time you can't even hear them... (Damnation being the notable exception)
Yeah lots of metal bass gets drowned out... I realy enjoy when bands have a strength in power... Litany by Vader is a classy example. Seriously fucking bass guitar and bass drums... heavy as hell.

The bass on Morningrise is great. It gets a bit wankish at times, but then again the best usualy does.
I think "The twillight is my robe" has some cool bass lines. I think the bass is too much on advent. The bass and drums almost outdo the guitars, I don´t like that. It could however also just be the entire production, as I kinda hate the production on Morningrise, especially when compared to Orchid.
I think the bass lines are awesome in the entire damnation-album. I agree with you guys who claims that the bass is "drowned". It should be more in front than it is.
IAmEternal said:
I think you can hear the bass fine on MAYH... especially Credence, I think it really adds to that song.
It becomes prominent wherever there are acoustic guitars, but otherwise it's darn near impossible to hear unless you play the album through a huge subwoofer and then stand in another room so all you can hear are the booms. Still Life is the same way, but maybe a little bit better. I think you can hear the bass REALLY REALLY well on Blackwater Park, and Deliverance isn't nearly as clear. Damnation obviously has the most prominent bass. :p

Morningrise does have great bass, I love the really low notes. I guess I'm a five string bass junky, so all the low b's in Advent and Black Rose Immortal and To Bid You Farewell make me horny. Speaking of which, I need to add bass to that Black Rose Immortal guitar tab sometime. :p

Also, Nectar has that great slap section towards the end...that's probably the most exciting bass part in Opeth history.

I'm trying to tab "THE TWILIGHT IS MY ROBE" now, the bass on that really does have some exciting fills here and there...too bad it's darn near impossible to hear the bass in some parts.
Blackwater park has that kickass part near the end, but what about that one section in wreath? You can see him play that part on the dvd somewhat near the end. I think that part is so awesome.
suislidE said:
Blackwater park has that kickass part near the end, but what about that one section in wreath? You can see him play that part on the dvd somewhat near the end. I think that part is so awesome.
What section of wreath are you talking about?
Yeah that bass part over the 2nd or 3rd riff in Wreath is fucking amazing... when I saw him play it on the DVD I couldn't even recognize what it was from... it's such an amazing line to complement the rhythm guitars yet it's completely drowned out.

By the way, Wankerness, do you have any plans to finish the Forest of October bass anytime soon? I've concluded I'm goin to play it with my band, but I'm not so hot at tabbing, nor do I think I really have the patience for it anymore.. :(
Moonlapse said:
Yeah that bass part over the 2nd or 3rd riff in Wreath is fucking amazing... when I saw him play it on the DVD I couldn't even recognize what it was from... it's such an amazing line to complement the rhythm guitars yet it's completely drowned out.
Ah yes, that's the part I stopped tabbing at. I tabbed all of the guitars to Wreath and the bass up to that part, but now I'm having a complete lack of motivation to finish! If they show him playing that part on the dvd, I guess maybe I'll tab it from there. Where is it in the documentary? I've never watched it :-X

By the way, Wankerness, do you have any plans to finish the Forest of October bass anytime soon? I've concluded I'm goin to play it with my band, but I'm not so hot at tabbing, nor do I think I really have the patience for it anymore.. :(
I did a bunch more tonight, actually...I'm to the solo now. I've been correcting the guitar as well (not too carefully in some parts, I don't really have the patience to correct something if it doesn't sound blatantly wrong...that's why I prefer doing the whole thing myself to correcting someone else's tab), so I guess when I finish you'll have the best existing tab (Niel's guitar one is pretty hot, but doesn't have bass obviously!)?
Mike did say in an old interview (pre-Morningrise) how the bass would be at the front on the new album. I loved the bass on the album, except when it hit the really low notes during To Bid You Farewell. That got a bit annoying. Personally, my favorite bass parts are in Black Rose Immortal (around 3:00, that area) and near the end of Blackwater Park. I couldn't hear that part live, unfortuantely... I mean, if he played it, it wasn't in the mix well enough.