Opinion on Wrath of the Norsemen ?

Warrior of the North

New Metal Member
Apr 24, 2014
Well , that bad boy came in yesterday (I know it´s quite old but for some reason I only got it now) and I have watched all 3 DVD´s. To be honest , the first one was fantastic , and so was the third one. The second one , however , was pretty weak , and at some point it became a pain to watch. The crowd was really quiet , and it seems like they all thought "Ok , let´s just do this and then go home". They fucked up a lot of songs , and that intro for The Sound of Eight Hooves was really funny "We will play you one of the very first songs we ever wrote... actually it´s from The Crusher album..." lol. Also the sound quality was a little bit inferior.

Do you guys agree ? Or have I just listened to their songs so many times I notice absolutely the smallest mistake ?