Origins of your nickname

I got mine from Testament's old fan club and second song off the Low album. It was called "Legions In Hiding". I remember seeing it and thinking it was such a cool name (the fan club). Without totally ripping it off , I just changed the name a little bit.

I needed a name to post TOTT related news & updates, but I needed to make it up fast, so I thought of Deadly, & then tried a few Deadly this & thats, & I guess Embrace came, after thinking about what a vampire does, to feed. If I had it to do over again, I'd of given it more thought & come with a cooler name. But I needed it then & now, so I'm stuck with it, maybe I should change it, or is that not proper edicate? What do you think?
I took my nickname from Melechesh's Djinn album, there's a cool song called "Wardjinn", i really like this demonic little creature and all that middle eastern stuff...
Middle eastern melodies were the reason why i got interested in Testament, songs like Dog Faced Gods and 3 Days In Darkness are real masterpieces
Originally posted by Wardjinn
I took my nickname from Melechesh's Djinn album, there's a cool song called "Wardjinn", i really like this demonic little creature and all that middle eastern stuff...
Middle eastern melodies were the reason why i got interested in Testament, songs like Dog Faced Gods and 3 Days In Darkness are real masterpieces

I've actually heard of Melechesh, went to their site from a link from the Absu site.

I don't think my title requires much explanation, i only created a UM name to post here so I didn't bother to think of something more original or creative.
My nickname is from the Slayer song, Dead Skin Mask.

"In the depths of a Mind Insane, fantasy and reality are the same!"

I'm completely into reading about serial killers, and court TV and I think these lyrics are really cool!
Mine is in reference to the band Sadistic Intent, NOT Sadistik Exekution like everyone thinks....lil...I thought the k looked cooler...
I'M BACK! : )
Anyone miss me?
Anyway, the origin of my nickname is pretty obvious if you are a thrash metal fan, so I wont even bother to explain it.
As far as Deadly Embrace goes, I like it and youve had it for over a year now, so my vote is to keep it.
Jeez all these stories are so boring... :D

I was playing a game called X-COM: Terror From the Deep (where you fight aliens and shit, it's a strategy game)... and all of my soldiers ran out of ammo almost at the start of the mission except for one dude, and that's because his only weapon was a measly stun rod (used to capture aliens alive). So I explored the area with him alone, using my other soldiers as decoys, sneaking up on them and knocking them all unconscious. I also used the decoys to pick up the alien bodies and put them in their backpacks so they couldn't wake up. :lol: Funny how advanced alien technology couldn't prevail against a cattle prod...

After that I renamed him "Stunlord" for his valorous performance, and every time I played an X-COM game after that I always had a Stunlord... they are surprisingly useful...

...and then it got shortened to Stun for the message board/ICQ, etc.
The Valkyrie is, in the oldest strata of belief, a corpse goddess, or demigoddess of death. The name in Old Norse, valkyrja, means literally, "chooser of the slain." The Valkyrie is related to the Celtic warrior-goddess, the Morrigan. I carry out the will of Odinn in determining the victors of the battle, and the course of the war. My primary duty is to choose the bravest of those who have been slain, gathering the souls of dying heros or warriors found deserving of afterlife in Valhalla.
Extra Hails to that Val!! I was originally gonna choose a valkyrie name from one of the sagas as my screenname but I decided against it. :) LIZ METAL gets the point across very well.:headbang:
It's my last name and what all of my friends call me.

I used to be TestAmenTC5 on the old board. The C5 part is the name of the 5th Generation Corvette. Testament is my favorite band and I like Corvettes.
Mine is from one of the songs on Vio-Lence's
Second Album, Oppressing the Masses called
Officer Nice.
The Lyrics fit my personality and there you go.

BLAM! The Officer was born.

Originally posted by LIZ METAL
Extra Hails to that Val!! I was originally gonna choose a valkyrie name from one of the sagas as my screenname but I decided against it. :) LIZ METAL gets the point across very well.:headbang:
^5 Liz!!!!!
It is often said that if you see a Valkyrie before a battle, you will die in that battle!!!!!!!!! Burn MF Burn!!!!!!!!!!!!!
mine is after the DEMONIC dedication to John Killeen. Although I'm afraid I don't know his relationship with the Chuck and the guys. Do any of you?
I was ThePreacher on the OLD board...beni88 I remember you! What the hell is up?