Your nickname

ITALIA - Muore il Re Longobardo BERTARIDO, gli succede il figlio CUNIBERTO già associato al trono, e che era quel giovane ragazzo che aveva fatto perdonare il duca di Trento, ALACHI, che si era trovato a mal partito quando (nel 679, vedi) aveva attaccato il Conte bavarese di Bolzano; questi nel difendersi e contrattaccando lo aveva assediato a Trento e qui ALACHI si era asserragliato...
Could ya translate that to English, or isn't it worth it?
my name was a name of a barbarian king ( of the longbeards) that came in italy in the 670-680 years
so that's the story:)
Story of my Nickname:
When my father got his first computer (about 3 years ago), he really got carried away with the painting program Paint. He made lot's of pictures with it and there was one with a strange humanoid creature with mushrooms and flowers growing from its head and its hands in some strange posture, and the creature said "JOBBO JOBBO". It was just something my dad made up, but I thought it was so hilarious so I started using it everywhere as my nickname. I dont know if it means something else because in some places it's already in use.
Originally posted by MtG
My nickname comes from a card game called Magic the Gathering. I´ve been playing that game about 2 years and I´ve been using internet about 3 years. :

Haa! I knew your nick came from that game! I play it also! How many cards do you own? !´ve got something like a couple of houndred, so not so many. But I love the game! I prefer green and red cards, what about you?

My nickname comes from the sea named Yoldia, that was in the place of Finland after the Ice Age. :)
this one should be clear :) OzzOzbourne = Ozzy Osbourne..I have been listening Ozzy about 6 years. but now I listen "harder" cob, kalmah etc.etc. I use this nick just on this board..ult.metal. my normal nick is zzy and suprise..again from ozzy :) i made it longlong time ago and now I dont want change it..anyway i don't listen ozzy much :)