ORwarriOR- we have a date!!


Man!! I'm actually dying of suspense! But I shall wait :D

The length looks really cool. Going to be one satisfying album.

For the Hebrew speakers - 'Olat Ha'tamid' & 'Vayehi Or'
What do they mean?

Everything about Sapari:

The meaning of the song "Sapari"

On March 9, 2009 Kobi Farhi mentioned on the band's official forum that:

* "Sapari" was written in the 17th century by Sa'adia ben Amram, in Yemen.
* The song is sung half in Hebrew, half in Yemenite.
* The basic idea of the song is that the poet is having a dialog with his soul, "Sapari" means - "Tell me" in Hebrew.
* The poet asks his inner spirit to tell him where "she" is while he is in Yemen, the soul answers that she is in the high heavens, inside the heart of a ship, wearing her coat of beauty, and the dialog goes on.
* On a conceptual level of the new album - just as the poet meant, the warrior is having a dialog with his soul before coming into our darkend life.
* "Sapari" will be the opener of the new album and the first single.
