ORwarriOR- we have a date!!

Welcome Dario :D

Since the underlying theme of the band in general, reconcilliation and making amends for what has been happening in that volatile area for centuries with specific reference to the three Abrahamic or Monotheistic religions, Jesus is inevitably a part of the concept. But in a direct fashion, I don't think so.

Nah, man, Jesus was involved already in Mabool, and not merely conceptually: The use of Latin in Scripture/prayer is neither Muslim nor Jewish, but did we not hear it from a very nice choir? Sure we did. I'm no Christian scholar, but Catholicism has an Old Latin Rite, which some of the Faithful still insist on using even in McAmerica rather than the "new" English one.

Also, in the Triangle of the Three, there's that Christian triangle, right? Like the other triangles, it consists of a number of symbols central to the particular religion. Christianity's has a cross, which symbolizes the faith. The crystal, I'm not sure of. But, if you're looking to find Yeshua/Jesus there, look no further than the lion. The lion is often used in Christendom to symbolize Jesus: He is referred to as the Lion of Judea.

And how about Ocean Land? The vid depicts Kobi drowning, i.e., dying, and then coming back to life. Resurrection! Plus, the "swimming redhead woman" draws blood from Kobi/Yeshua/Jesus as she inscribes various symbols we know and love. All this seems chock-full of Christian meaning to me.

Yeah, Jesus will be there with the rest of the family of Father Abraham, be assured. And, no, I have no insider information. Just lots of Chutzpah.


- It's logical to have two Jews - representing two major groups - Sephardi and Ashkenazi.

There's only so much diversity that can fit into a promo shot. It's clear that secular people of any of the three faiths wouldn't "work" in such a photo, because their "identity" isn't expressed in a dramatically sartorial fashion. The two Jews in the pic? They're both dressed in "Litvish" or "Yeshivish" garb, i.e., ultra-Orthodox Ashkenasi, non-Chassidic. Chassidic garb, while Ashkenasi to the core, is very different (e.g., long suit-jackets), and things as seemingly minute as the brim-style of the hat differ depending on the Chassidic "Court" to which the person belongs. And what about Centrist-Orthodox? How about Traditional? Oh, and let's not forget Traditional Orthodox Sephardi Jewish garb? Spanish? Syrian? You see: There's no end to it. If we all could see that, if we all could truly get that, to paraphrase a famous social psychologist, "the within-group differences are much greater than the between-group differences," we'll be making a lot of progress. And by "we," I'm referring to the ethnic/religious groups we belong to, whether we like it or not. We all come from somewhere. To me, it's far more important to have some clue as to where we're heading. Hindsight? We've all got that.

I think the message conveyed is clear and would only be muddied by additional bystanders. And, regardless: It is what it is, and it says, "LET'S GET ALONG AND LEARN FROM ONE ANOTHER." I'll take that! The rest is commentary. There will be plenty of time for that, if...the hate and its progeny (violence, etc.) stops.

I side with FiveString- especially about the part being more within group differences than between. Sometimes when you look too much into the detail, the real meaning of the message gets lots. Try to see it as one big picture, with some details that give the clues. So yes- it's about getting along.
I side with FiveString- especially about the part being more within group differences than between. Sometimes when you look too much into the detail, the real meaning of the message gets lots. Try to see it as one big picture, with some details that give the clues. So yes- it's about getting along.

I'm humbled that I got the key message, given that your word is Gospel in all matters Orphan Land'ish, Head Disciple. Hey, hey, don't get modest now, please; I'm so tired. What day is it, anyhow? Shoot, it's Tuesday. I'll sleep during today's lecture. It's going to be long, in a large, dark lecture-hall. I'm sitting--no--slumping in the back.

All we have to do is look around us: We are familiar with our in-group, the people with whom we identify. So, when it's convenient for us, we think that we're all united, in spite of our differences. We are woefully ignorant of the out-group/s (everybody else), so we think they're all so different--as a group. But that's pure statistical nonsense: You know the people with whom you associate, and although you identify with them, you are very aware of the differences between you. Oh, a trivial example: You're tall, Jim's short. On the other hand, when you look at the out-group, you do not see individuals, you see an amorphous blob, an average that neglects all the characteristics that distinguish between the members of that group. The reverse is, by-definition, true when a member of the out-group scrutinizes your group. Now yours is an amorphous blob.

Getting out of that "you're all the same" mindset is easy: Get to know people in the out-group; you'll find that they're just as diverse as members of yours. Utopically speaking, that is, if we all get this and put it into action (and there's the rub--talk is cheap), the world will be one in-group, knowledgeable and respectful of what each member of aforesaid group brings to the table (as long as it's not a hand-grenade, alright?).

Before we can accomplish that, we need to stop our in-group bickering. Yes, it's real bad. We're actually not three big happy families at all. Not hardly.The infighting among various factions within the three Abrahamic religions is immense, tragic. It splinters each one of the three "in-groups" into multiple us-versus-them warring in-groups, each passionately convinced that it's got it right.

Will y'all just stop it? Is this the world we want to hand over to our children?

No, I didn't think so. So we're in this together. We're an in-group. Progress!

So Get In!


I'm humbled that I got the key message, given that your word is Gospel in all matters Orphan Land'ish, Head Disciple. FS

Dear Fivestring- thanks to be in high regards as far as you are concerned- but when I speak on the forum, I'm just another fan just like everyone else. No one speaks for the band unless it's one of the bandmembers themselves, or when someone from the band asks me to post a message here. But then I will be clear about it. :) Please- no pedestal for me!

OK- what I was saying is that I find your explanation of how a group can bikker (is this how you spell it?) amongst each other and the way you put that into words really well done and an interesting point. I have no idea if this is what the band meant to say with the picture. You see- it's like with all art: you get out of it what you want to get out of it. And what you see often says more about yourself than it does about the artist. I think different interpretations that are possible is what makes this discussion so interesting!
BC-A is always telling me to look at a ' problem' from a different angle in order to find the solution to it. I see the discussion on this forum act in that manner as well. And it is cool to see the same thing trough a whole lot of different eyes. Also makes you question your own answers and interpreations -ey mr shrink (-:
Hehe, true-true. So to illustrate the image of Yeshua/Isa/Jesus in all these endless brances of Christianity you would need perhaps hundred Kobis doing hundred gestures :D

There's only so much diversity that can fit into a promo shot ... to paraphrase a famous social psychologist, "the within-group differences are much greater than the between-group differences," we'll be making a lot of progress.

Thanks for the great news Nathalie! That's totally cool.


There is a new video of the band waiting for you at their brand new YouTube channel! http://www.youtube.com/user/OrphanedLandTV
Next to that news on the "A heaven you may create documentary": the site for it is now opened www.aheavenyoumaycreate.com or go to the disciples site and choose a heaven you may... from the menu

Read all the news:

Hehe, true-true. So to illustrate the image of Yeshua/Isa/Jesus in all these endless brances of Christianity you would need perhaps hundred Kobis doing hundred gestures :D
:cool: Yeah, you're right, and I think a large coffee-table, glossy book of photographs should be produced when the great "release" is behind us all (it never will, but you know what I mean?): Costumes and gestures and sites, scenery...you name it. All with erudite commentary from someone we can all tolerate :Saint: That would rule out quite a few pompous academics, but whatev.' Dude, that "hundred Kobis" idea of yours would be very trippy; I love it! Doggit, I was going to write "Isa" too, before, but I couldn't find my translated-to-English Koran copy and didn't want to goof, typo-wise. Isa. Okay.

Good to read from you, bro.'

i'm so exited too, man. i can't wait for the album!!! I think when i get one i'll listen to it a whole week in non-stop regime!!! and i can't wait for their Moscow show. i hope it'll happend)) if not, i have plan b ;)
i'm so exited too, man. i can't wait for the album!!! I think when i get one i'll listen to it a whole week in non-stop regime!!! and i can't wait for their Moscow show. i hope it'll happend)) if not, i have plan b ;)

Man, I think that's just what the music-doctor ordered. Heck, maybe call in sick for the first couple of days so you can listen to it over and over.

I'm about to explode, myself. I know it will be at least as good as Mabool, but, oh God, after such a breakthrough album, the stakes are high, especially for the band. I'm rooting for them. You know, you've got it right, though: Peeps like us are probably nearly as stressed out and excited as the OL immediate family :OMG:

Well, here's wishing you a concert close to home. Loyal of you to have Plan B, however.

Thanks for writing.

I have a day to look forward to. I have play mabool lots lately.

Same here: I've been spinning that CD every day and it sounds a bit different to me now, because I'm all nutso about the upcoming release.

Flowers in the Desert...flowers in winter (here)! So darn cold my eyes froze shut when I walked out to get the paper. But I like that: Makes me appreciate my eye-sight :rock:

The new release will make us appreciate our wait, but I'm having trouble waiting, so I'm just gonna quietly go insane. Nobody will notice, 'cause jest 'bout everybody's whacked here :lol: