Oslo bombing

Regarding norway prisons' system:

Ok you can renew each year a 5 years prison, but to me they gotta change something. Like getting this bombing bastard to jail for the rest of his life period, instead of renewing his goddamn prison time.
It seems norwegian people like to reform people, and that's good. But reality is different, you can't reform a goddamn asshole.
All these young guys drowning/shot....I just feel sad. How can you be such a goddamn crazy maniac? he shot in the head all people on the ground just to be sure they didn't fake it.

Regarding other norway criminals: well I laughed a lot when I heard Mr Burzum was held at a low security prison, it was kind one those "addicted" communities. Of Course he escaped so easily and went to his mom.
LOL everything Varg said is just plain wrong and proves how stupid he is. What the fuck :lol: He keeps getting dumber and dumber obviously.
I wouldn't call Breivik stupid, yet most probably insane. By the way, insane does not mean you are stupid or not capable of detailled planning. And @ratsapprentice, imho he is not just someone with very extreme views but clearly insane and/or incapable of basic human interaction and feelings.. which would be a mental disorder all the same. If he just thought about all he did, he'd be your "just another guy with very extreme views". Carrying out his plans in the detail and dedication he showed is a sign of a heavy mental disorder to me. But they will examine him anyway and we will see what the experts say.

Varg on the other hand is only a very very dumb person with very extreme (and very stupid) views. I'm amazed he manages to shit in a toilet and doesn't just crap himself.
We'll agree to disagree on Varg being stupid, his views/attention seeking ramblings however.... :lol:

Also that's what I was trying to put across in regrads to the insanity thing.
You are assuming that he is incapable of feeling empathy, he may very well do, but was driven to do the things he did through belief.
Don't get me wrong though, he is quite probably mentally ill to some degree, it was more a thought on how we judge weather someone is different or insane.
I'd argue that his actions were the logical conclusion of his views and theories.

I'm not saying that he isn't crazy, just that it's very easy to feel better by making it seem as if he is not exactly the same as you or I, just with very extreme views.

I agree. The immediate reaction is to label terrorists as insane, throw them in a prison, throw away the key, and never think about it again.

The reality, I think, is much more complicated and disturbing. It is a general consensus that a person does not become a terrorist over night. The question is then, "How does a seemingly normal human being become radicalized to such an extent where they can justify mass murder?"

To echo ratsapprentice, I am NOT advocating that there isn't something wrong with him mentally. I could not possibly know.
We'll agree to disagree on Varg being stupid, his views/attention seeking ramblings however.... :lol:

Also that's what I was trying to put across in regrads to the insanity thing.
You are assuming that he is incapable of feeling empathy, he may very well do, but was driven to do the things he did through belief.
Don't get me wrong though, he is quite probably mentally ill to some degree, it was more a thought on how we judge weather someone is different or insane.
Yeah I think I do understand what you were aiming at. I just feel like a line (between "sane" and "insane" just to paint in black and white for now) must be drawn somewhere, and he pretty much stepped over it. Of course judging whether someone is mentally ill is always depending on the current consensus on what's "normal" and that state can change anytime. Yet some mental illness like psychopaths are pretty well defined and can be objectively measured to a certain degree.
I agree. The immediate reaction is to label terrorists as insane, throw them in a prison, throw away the key, and never think about it again.

The reality, I think, is much more complicated and disturbing. It is a general consensus that a person does not become a terrorist over night. The question is then, "How does a seemingly normal human being become radicalized to such an extent where they can justify mass murder?"

To echo ratsapprentice, I am NOT advocating that there isn't something wrong with him mentally. I could not possibly know.
Yes of course it's not as easy as labelling every terrorist as insane. I wouldn't call Osama Bin Laden & Co insane for example. Breivik however is very different from most other terrorists imho. I agree we have to try to find out what caused such persons to get the way they are. Personally and as a layman I would think it is a combination of very difficult personal background (abuse, mobbing, etc), false friends, sociopathic disorders, indoctrination (see below), and a general affinity to mental disorders.. among others.

Breivik based large parts of his manifest on a blogger called "Fjordman". This guy blogged since 2005 and Breivik imbibed everything he wrote. Then of course there's Timothy McVeigh from whom he stole hole passages of his writing. I can imagine how reading radical lampoons like that for years and years, that a person with slightly different or extreme political views will get "indoctrinated" sooner or later.
EDIT: He was also inspired by and Copy&Pasted huge parts from Theodore Kaczynski.
I would definitely say that he is mentally ill.
From reading about him i can understand that he had a left-wing upbringing and was raised under the standard moral values most of us live by.
At some point later in his life he suddenly seemed to change all his moral values and thoughts about society, which isn't normal behavior for a mentally fit individual.

When he was young he was know for listening to hiphop, spraying graffiti and helping the weaker kids from bullies.. not exactly the kind of person he is today, based on all of these facts i would think that he at some point "snapped".
The funny thing is that when I read "This is probably the people we let in in order to help" I remember thinking "lol you don't know shit and your making assumptions"

Then it turns out that it's a native and I'm as unsurprised as I would have been if it was a Muslim extremest.

The tendency of human mind is to be fucking lazy, example: take a marker of something to blame and stick with it. These comments to me were a classic example of simple minded, non-critical thinking. Well done jumping up and down when actually it was somebody like you and I.
I can't excuse the fact that i jumped conclutions, but a muslim organization claimed it was them and I believed them. But to be completly honest I was thinking muslim from the second I heard about it. Norway is a peaceful country, I could not believe it was one of our own, but I was wrong and it was a childish dickmove to blame the muslims. Lesson learned:)
Martyrdom is a real danger hear IMHO.

ad Varg: I really don't think he's stupid. In fact, I think he's quite clever, he just has a very twisted way of seeing the world. But then again, many of the famous people that literally created the history had a twisted way of reality perception. (Not implying he's one of them, just sayin')
I can't excuse the fact that i jumped conclutions, but a muslim organization claimed it was them and I believed them. But to be completly honest I was thinking muslim from the second I heard about it. Norway is a peaceful country, I could not believe it was one of our own, but I was wrong and it was a childish dickmove to blame the muslims. Lesson learned:)

You have my respect, mostly I have a problem with people who jump to these conclusions regularly out of ignorance or to protect themselves from realizing that they are responsible for there own lives. I have the misfortune of knowing a lot people in the UK that blame people who look like they come from somewhere else for not finding a job and not being able to afford car insurance on there three cars. (I'm not kidding on the last one)

It's just that this kinda of simple minded lazy thinking is the same thinking as racists use and which causes a great deal of suffering to innocent people.
Martyrdom is a real danger hear IMHO.

ad Varg: I really don't think he's stupid. In fact, I think he's quite clever, he just has a very twisted way of seeing the world. But then again, many of the famous people that literally created the history had a twisted way of reality perception. (Not implying he's one of them, just sayin')

totally agree! Varg is not stupid, is just really a twisted guy.
Arrrgh not the old orcman again. Just shut up and make music dude. Do we have to be constantly reminded of your infatuation with Heinrich Himmler? I finally could listen to Burzum again without guilt, now I'm once again getting the urge to take that patch off my vest.

Though there sure is a lot of Arabs (and muslims in general) who'd agree with Varg 110% I can tell you that much. Then again Israel actively occupies at least three of their countries so... Still the last thing the world needs is some more fucking blind xenophobia. And really it seems like he is just doing his best to convince people in Norway not to beat his ass like the nazi bitch he is cause "well, see the hard right is just like hard left, and this Breivik dude is a mossad agent". He's like a real life Eric Cartman sometimes.

You gotta fucking hate the internet sometimes. Every shit with a crazy idea thinks he has found the fountain of truth, and we should all bow down and listen.
The tendency of human mind is to be fucking lazy, example: take a marker of something to blame and stick with it.

I think if we all took out a few minutes to think about this right here the world would be a much better place. I've spent some time in weird places and the only thing I could conclude from the experience is that people are more or less the same. They all want the same things in life. And like "religion" is the stone age equivalent of politics, "culture" is the stone age equivalent of marketing. Yes you could possibly enjoy both (or all four) on some level, but in reality they all matter much less than it seems. Certainly much less than the really important stuff. You know, like computers and tube amps and guitars, not to even bother comparing to really important shit like a cold beer, a well rolled spliff of some dank, or a fat fuckin' sammich! :p

P.S. I forgot WOMEN. They're like the best anti-racism there is. I sure as hell don't give a shit if a chick is white, jewish, black, asian, latin...if she's hot I'll get wood. I might lose it if she's a deluded bigot or terminally stupid, but, it's always best not to let them talk too much :lol:
I will add the following (assuming you've read what I said before)..

I have read a fair share about Varg through the years, I wouldn't consider him stupid. I would criticize how he has 'molded' his ideas through the years, and not be consistent with them. He has had some interesting points before, although I don't agree with most of it.
Now, if the aim of these characters is to make a very strong statement, then they are really successful (and clever) about it I'd say. How else would you call attention to your views in an extremely strong way?
If this guy kill his own people, unarmed children in an (apparently?) senseless move, that makes lots of others dwell on his motives, his 'philosophies' much deeper (proof enough, for example, how this discussion remains).
Are this kind of actions morally reprehensible behind all measure in a civilized society? No doubt, of course, but that's a very far cry from dismissing it altogether as 'dumb', 'stupid', etc.

Also, even though I'm totally against any form of racism (race doesn't identify the qualities and/or values of a person, obviously) I would see some sense in wanting to keep your country free of gangs, thieves, murderers, rapists, kidnappers, etc etc etc.
I would guess (in the mind of this guy) even if to 'stop them', you'd have to become one yourself?
There is somewhat of a relation in between immigrants of low educational and income level living confined and in poverty, and the rise of crime rates. That is a fact, not an opinion.

If Norwegians -or any other nation- don't want some or all foreigners in their country, then as a society I would think they are entitled to decide upon the subject, no? (maybe I'm mistaken?).
But anyway that's what democracy is for, and calling democracy a flawed, corrupt, or too hard a way to go about things, THAT I think is very stupid (or in any case, ultimately cruel and brutal).
If you want to have some positive -and lasting- impact in your society, organize a political movement I'd say, and if that society backs up your ideas (and those ideas are in accordance with human rights, of course), I'd think that'd be the correct way to go about it.