God can gtfo
still an asshole and still dumb as shit
He's not stupid, just an attention seeker with a platform.
still an asshole and still dumb as shit
I'd argue that his actions were the logical conclusion of his views and theories.
I'm not saying that he isn't crazy, just that it's very easy to feel better by making it seem as if he is not exactly the same as you or I, just with very extreme views.
Yeah I think I do understand what you were aiming at. I just feel like a line (between "sane" and "insane" just to paint in black and white for now) must be drawn somewhere, and he pretty much stepped over it. Of course judging whether someone is mentally ill is always depending on the current consensus on what's "normal" and that state can change anytime. Yet some mental illness like psychopaths are pretty well defined and can be objectively measured to a certain degree.We'll agree to disagree on Varg being stupid, his views/attention seeking ramblings however....
Also that's what I was trying to put across in regrads to the insanity thing.
You are assuming that he is incapable of feeling empathy, he may very well do, but was driven to do the things he did through belief.
Don't get me wrong though, he is quite probably mentally ill to some degree, it was more a thought on how we judge weather someone is different or insane.
Yes of course it's not as easy as labelling every terrorist as insane. I wouldn't call Osama Bin Laden & Co insane for example. Breivik however is very different from most other terrorists imho. I agree we have to try to find out what caused such persons to get the way they are. Personally and as a layman I would think it is a combination of very difficult personal background (abuse, mobbing, etc), false friends, sociopathic disorders, indoctrination (see below), and a general affinity to mental disorders.. among others.I agree. The immediate reaction is to label terrorists as insane, throw them in a prison, throw away the key, and never think about it again.
The reality, I think, is much more complicated and disturbing. It is a general consensus that a person does not become a terrorist over night. The question is then, "How does a seemingly normal human being become radicalized to such an extent where they can justify mass murder?"
To echo ratsapprentice, I am NOT advocating that there isn't something wrong with him mentally. I could not possibly know.
execution makes a lot more sense to me.
I can't excuse the fact that i jumped conclutions, but a muslim organization claimed it was them and I believed them. But to be completly honest I was thinking muslim from the second I heard about it. Norway is a peaceful country, I could not believe it was one of our own, but I was wrong and it was a childish dickmove to blame the muslims. Lesson learned![]()
Martyrdom is a real danger hear IMHO.
ad Varg: I really don't think he's stupid. In fact, I think he's quite clever, he just has a very twisted way of seeing the world. But then again, many of the famous people that literally created the history had a twisted way of reality perception. (Not implying he's one of them, just sayin')
The tendency of human mind is to be fucking lazy, example: take a marker of something to blame and stick with it.