OT:bathroom horror stories

wayne the goblin/robot

Im done with this *****
Dec 30, 2004
Ok, one day i ate a hot dog that didnt go down to well so I had to use the crapper at my local groccery store. I locked the stall door but when I tried to unlock it, i would'nt unlock, I tried so hard to unlock it but it wouldent budge. I thought I was going to be stuck in the bathroom stall forever, but all hope was not lost. Now you know how most bathroom stall doors are about 30-50 inches off the ground right? well, heres what I did keeping that in mind. when no one was around I slid under the door metal gear solid style and escaped with everything but my dignity.

This happen to anyone else before?
I was at work (professional office) one time and I had to drop a load, so I went to the restroom and took care of business. Well, it got a little sticky (so to speak) so it took a great deal of paper to clean up my act. Needless to say that the toilet didn't feel like swallowing what I was feeding it. So, I flushed and watched as the bowl filled to the brim. Slightly uneasy feeling, I decided to sneak out and let someone else deal with the problem. Well, apparently someone must have tried to flush it later and it overflowed all over the floor. It became a big issue throughout the office to the point where the nickname "The Toilet Paper Bandit" was circulating. Luckily for me, we had a guy who worked there who people assumed was responsible, so I was free and clear. It was slightly nerveracking though, having people talk about the situation and knowing it was me who was responsible (well, at least for clogging the bowl). I didn't overflow it, so I hold no guilt to that fact. :)
Here's just a quick bathroom humor story...

I went to dinner with a friend and then to the movies. The dinner didn't sit well with me so I was able to get to the bathroom after about 45 minutes at the movie theater. It was a huge bathroom (multiplex) and completely deserted (or so I thought). So I sit down and fire off like a rocket. It was so loud and nasty sounding that I could hardly restrain laughing (hey, I'm not above potty humor). Once the thunder stopped a voice came from about 2 stalls over that said in a completely calm and serious voice, "You must have eaten at the same place I did". Needless to say, I busted out laughing. I was in tears to the point where it took me about 5 minutes to tell my friend what happened because I couldn't get the words out.

Definitely one of the funniest things I've ever experienced!
What's amazing to me is how many weird twists and turns this story had...

When I was young, our family took a flight to Germany on an Air Force cargo plane, and did the same thing coming back. If you've ever been on a C-5 or other plane like it, then you know how LOUD these things are--loud enough that they have to issue earplugs to all the passengers. Well, I went into the little airplane bathroom. I remembered thinking the door was really hard to lock shut. That should've been the first warning when I was trying to hard to LOCK the thing.

So I finish up in there, and I'm all ready to go back to my seat. I try to get it unlocked and it won't budge a BIT. This being an airplane bathroom, crawling out was not an option. And being a utilitarian military aircraft, there wasn't one of those buttons you can use to call the flight attendant either. I was so determined to get out of there that I grabbed onto the latch, got my back up on one side of the bathroom and BOTH my feet up on the other side. That's how small that damn bathroom was. So I'm basically throwing all my strength into trying to budge this lock, and not even THAT is budging it.

Now remember how LOUD this aircraft is, and the fact that everyone has earplugs on. I was really thinking I'd have to ride all the way back to America on the toilet or at least wait a LONG time until my family figured out I shouldn't have been in there that long. So I started banging on the door and yelling, and I was pretty sure that was a lost cause. But I got really lucky--someone in the back of the airplane heard. What's even funnier--it was this kid I'd been playing arcade games with in the airport terminal both when we CAME to Germany AND when we left it, by random chance we'd had the exact same flights (which is impressive because when you hop on cargo planes, you do it Space-A...which means standby).

So this kid had to go get the loadmaster (which is more than a flight attendant--it's the person on a cargo plane who takes care of both the passengers and whatever the cargo is that they're carrying) to open the bathroom up from the outside. When he let me out of there, I then had to do the walk of shame all the way back up to the front of the plane to where my parents were. I felt ashamed, anyway...nobody but the people in the back row and the loadmaster had any clue what had happened.

But there was a twist on this story years later! Apparently my dad went to work and told other people in his squadron the story. So at one point, I was writing one of those generic "Dear Soldier" letters (I think it was for Bosnia or something...I can't remember anymore), and I decided to amuse the troops by telling that story. By some freakish coincidence, the letter showed up in a unit where some people knew my dad, and it was read out loud in front of a bunch of them! I found out about it months after the fact, and I just could NOT believe it.

So there you go, guys...there's my bathroom humor. You may be able to top that in grossness and craziness, but I think you'll have a hard time in beating the longevity of this saga...longer than an entire roll of toilet paper unrolled! ;)
@RI :tickled: and :yuk:

@scanner "fire off a rocket"...."thunder"..... :D :tickled: :D

I know someone on this forum so I am reluctant to post my bathroom escapades. I will never be able to look at that person in the face again.
Well, I don't really have any really entertaining bathroom stories that stick out in my mind but I must share this:

My father has this thing for buying Kleenex toilet paper. Whenever it's on sale (2/$11) at Target we get in the car and drive over, buying as much as the limit will allow us, usually 6 packs of 12 double rolls. Walking back to the car with these bags full of toilet paper is so embarrassing. My dad just goes "don't act like you don't use it!" when the truth is, I do use it, just not 72 rolls at a time. We have guests come over and look at our stash of toilet paper and comment on how much we have in fascination.

Oh, I just remembered a story: First day of Junior High School, I had to go to the bathroom, and I walked in. Tiles in both girl and boy bathrooms are yellow, and both doors were opened so I went into the boys' bathroom. Someone walked out of a stall, saw me and shrieked like a 3 year old girl. Word got around pretty quickly that I was the girl who went into the boys' room, and while people dropped it after about a month it came up periodically afterwards for the remainder of the school year.
in the middle of the night I woke up to use the bathroom and when I was shaking the last drops out I heard what sounded like nazgul outside(I had just come back from seeing The Felowship of The Ring that night). When I told my parents the next morning they said it was probably just a cat fight(between actual cats just in case there are any perverts out there). To this day I have never heard a cat sound like a nazgul.
I got one but it is stupid

I was 3 years old and we were at the pool in my apartments. I had to go to the bathroom but my mom had to go somewhere so one of her friends (who was a guy who wasn't really use to the behavior os small children) took me to the bathroom. He was standing not looking at me and I finished. Before I pulled up my pants I bent over right in front of him and spread 'em and said "is it clean?", and ofcourse he was mortified. Like I said it was stupid but that is the only one I can think of. Nice to se some interesting threads once in a while.
k, this is something that happened to my girlfriend while doing an internship at some office building...

she had to use the crapper really bad, but she absolutely HATES public facilities. as hard as she tried to hold it in, she couldn't, so she gave in and went to the employee bathroom. she locks the door, sits, and lets loose. as she always does, she does the good ol' courtesy flush...however, nothing went down, as to the size of the...you know.

so, she's freakin' out, cuz it's a one-person bathroom, and she's sure SOMEONE will know it was her. she begins looking around the bathroom for something to help, say, a plunger. no plunger. BUT...there is a can of air freshener. here's where it gets gross. she takes the can of air freshener, and shoves it into the toilet to break up the "specimen." so the toilet flushed, she rinsed off the can of air freshener, and no one was the wiser.

this story gets a murmer of groans followed by disgusted laughter whenever she tells it during her stand-up comedy routine :)
Beelzebub said:
Man, what a shitty thread... (sorry, I couldn't resist the pun ;))
You stink. :p

I was 3 or 4. I was outside playing with either my sister or a neighborhood kid. My mom had bought me some cowboy boots(I don't know :Spin: ), and I happened to be wearing them. Well, the urge to poop came over me, but instead of running to the bathroom, I let it go right then and there. The poop slid down my leg into my left boot. I remember the feeling of being supremely satisfied with myself. Ah... poop!
One time, I actually went into the women's room by accident. I guess either the bathrooms weren't well marked, or I wasn't paying attention. Anyway, I'm a stall kind of guy, so I don't think I noticed the lack of urinals at first. I began to head toward one of the stalls, when I heard the most sickening bit of ear-splitting noise. It sounded like a steam locomotive being detonated by a half-ton of C4. As I stood there in absolute horror, I couldn't help but allow my laughter to escape. As I began snickering as softly as I could, I heard a woman's voice asking what was so funny. My feelings of horror returned as I realized I had made a blooper and gone into the wrong room. I slowly backed toward the door, but as I did so, I mischeviously let out a "I'm so sorry, ma'am. I think I'm in the wrong room."

I made use of the awkward pause for my esacape, but I'll never forget the beginning of the scream I heard as the door shut behind me and I crossed the hall for the men's room...

...one of my favorite stories.
I was at my school's Renaissance Feast, which is where the whole chorus dresses up as medieval ppl, and they decorate the gym really frkn nice, and serve all this great food. well this hot chick that i know was the server for my table, and she kept giving me way too much iced tea, so i hadda pee like there was no tomorrow. i take (or rather, leave) a leak, and i was washing my hands when this 10 (around 10) year old kid flings the door open and runs into the nearest stall and is yelling and moaning and stuff. i mean that kid was really takin the Browns to the Super Bowl. i hadda run outa there as fast as he ran in, to try to keep from laughing out loud.
dargormudshark said:
I got one but it is stupid

I was 3 years old...

I've got one from when I was about that age...just bear in mind that little kids take everything literally.

I was at the beach, and there were no restrooms. So I told my mom I had to do #1, and her instructions were, "Go out into the surf and use the ocean."

(I bet you see where this is going...)

I went out into the surf...but just to where my feet were in the water, and...well...started to pee. And I couldn't understand why my parents were so shocked, or what they thought was so funny. I seriously thought I was following instructions!

And to this day, they tell this story to distant family members to embarrass me.

Not really horror as in scary, but definitely gross...

I was in Bosnia on the way to Bratunac, and stopped at a gas station to use the bathroom. Well, they had three stalls and the two on the ends were occupied, so I go in the middle. The toilets are basically a hole in the ground with 2 places to put your feet so you can squat. Well, it looked like someone just leaned against the wall and let it go. It was everywhere man, so disgusting. I did my business and came out, and these guys were outside laughing at me when I walked by them.

Pretty gross...
Here's my ultimate horror story...

I was dating my future wife for about 2 months when a friend of her's asked us to share a beach house with her family in North Carolina. We agreed and met them at the beach. Well, being it was a beach house, we were required to stock it with food, toiletries, etc. Needless to say, I figured the girls would have taken care of that stuff since they were the one's who planned the trip and I was just along for the ride. I thought wrong.

Anyway, about the 4th day we went out to eat at a seafood place. I never really ate crab legs before but decided to try them. They were awesome, so I really went to town. My problem was I was drowning every piece of meat in butter. I probably downed the equivalent of an entire stick before I was done. Then, later that night we were drinking heavily back at the house. Once things settled down me and my girlfirend went to our room and got a little funky. So when we finally went to bed we were both completely in the buff...

About 3:30AM I awoke to the grumbling and cramps. I realized immediately that I had to get to the bathroom, and quick. Being it was dark, I had just woken up, I was still drunk, and not familiar with the house I couldn't find my shorts. Figuring everyone was asleep I went into the bathroom connecting our room and another one. So here I am totally naked, my new girlfriend right outside in the room (who I absolutely didn't want hearing what was coming down the pike), worried that someone else would come in, and clenching my cheeks to hod back the flood. NO TP!!! And believe me, bending over to check the cabinets was extremely tough! So I ventured upstairs (also very tough) to the main bathroom and find there is no TP there either, and on top of that, the door didn't have a functioning lock. But now I noticed I was (for lack of a better term) leaking! It was running down my legs! The butter was totally to blame, I'm sure. And I knew there were no other bathrooms to use. So, in desperation I hit the bowl and let loose. So now, here I am sitting there with no clothes, no TP, and buttery bowel juice all over my rear and legs. And all I can think about is "what the hell am I going to do if someone else comes up to use this bathroom?" So the panick began to set it. So, with no other option, I decided I was going to have to use my hand. :erk: I wiped as best as I could and then went to the sink and washed it off. I then had to wash myself (backside, legs) with my hand and return to my room dripping wet to retrieve my bath towel to dry off.

Once I was dry I went back to bed where my girlfriend asked where I had gone. I told her I went to take a leak and she went back to sleep. I still have not told her about this to this day. I would tell her now if it came up, but the last thing I wanted her to know at that time was what had happened that night.

Not many things more terrifying than getting caught with no TP and no options!