I just don't like the melodic parts that sound like they're influenced by Swedish death metal that every mall-mosh-core band seems to try and incorporate these days. They rest of the song I heard was pretty good. In general, I really don't dislike the song as a whole I just don't think that Kreator needs to jump on someone else's bandwagon.
I understand your point; that was a common accusation made against Violent Revolution as well. You see, I listen to metal very selectively (classic/speed/thrash/old bands/so-called "retro" bands/etc), and am not very familiar with "melodeath", nor the "Gothenburg scene", and since I don't even listen to Death Metal, I don't know Melodic Death Metal at all, be it from Sweden or from anywhere else. I see how many bad bands (to me, that is) probably emulate the genre (I am not a fan of the kind of bands you mentioned-at all). But isn't melodic Death Metal influenced by plain ol' heavy metal? I know that Mille has been repeating in many interviews that the main influence for Phantom Antichrist is classic metal in the style of Iron Maiden, and I can clearly hear it. But since I am not that familiar with melodeath, I cannot tell when he's really also emulating such influences. The songs are so good anyway (of course, in my opinion) that all I hear is great metal/thrash songs. But as I told you, if you have something against those melodic/"classic metal" parts, you probably won't enjoy it as much as their 80's output, and it is your right, of course.
It is better than VR, which was bashed for similar reasons; Phantom Antichrist, despite all the heavy metal (or melodeath, according to who you ask) influences, is actually much more aggressive and faster than Violent Revolution. It's headbanging mania with this album, along with quite a bit of emotion for good measure.