OT: High Gas Prices


Metal Madman
Feb 15, 2002
Northern Michigan
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Big Oil can go to hell! These prices are total bullshit! In my area in northern Michigan, it's as high as $2.80 for RUNL! The big oil companies can go suck a fucking cock!

ThraxMan said:
Big Oil can go to hell! These prices are total bullshit! In my area in northern Michigan, it's as high as $2.80 for RUNL! The big oil companies can go suck a fucking cock!


Tell me about it. Things are no different here in Lansing. I was lucky and filled my car up for the low, low, price of 2.49 a gallon yesterday:Smug: Then on my way to work this morning, I seen the gas price went up to $2.82. :yell: :yell:
remington69 said:
Start lobbying for alternative fuel sources.

I just wrote my congressman about funding alternative fuel research.

Surely if it were profitable at all to make alternative fuel sources, profit-seeking companies would do so. There's certainly enough room to undercut oil. Why must everything become a government funding issue? Subsidies just distort the market, as they have done in much of agriculture and energy.
remington69 said:
Because most research is supported by government grants. There is promising fuel cell research, but is limited by $$. More grants = more funded labs, personnel, equipment, etc.

I don't know that "most" reaearch is supported by government grants, but even if they are, that doesn't mean it's a good thing.

Since all government is funded by taxes, borrowing or inflation, it takes away money from individuals pursuing their own goals. (i.e. you must rob Peter to pay Paul)
Rather than sending money to where the market determines (which itself is determined by the desires of millions of people pursuing their own interests), it sends money to the most politically favored causes.
People are most careful with their own money doing what they want to do. They are not nearly as careful when spending other people's money. (see the recent energy bill passed)

If something is profitable or likely profitable, it should not be at all difficult to find the funding for it. The investments will pay for themselves and then some.

Also, more grants = less of something else. TANSTAAFL "There ain't no such thing as a free lunch."
1 gallon is 4 litres, right?
If so, a gallon costs $6,65 here in Denmark + we´ve probably got the highest taxes on cars in the world....

You guys are lucky!
Something kinda related to gas:

I just watched The Osbournes where Jack got his drivers licence. It seemed like you have to be a complete retard not to pass the test.
How much does a license cost?
How many hours of driving school do you have to take?
everybody is going to have to go get one of these....


The 1990 ford festiva, With enough room to put your ass and thats about it. I filled up this weekend, at $2.74 it cost me 23 bucks and at 35 mpg city, highway is about 40-45. I can go all week on a tank of gas.
Miltbrand said:
Something kinda related to gas:

I just watched The Osbournes where Jack got his drivers licence. It seemed like you have to be a complete retard not to pass the test.
How much does a license cost?
How many hours of driving school do you have to take?

It varies from state to state. In Illinois, you have to pass a written and road test. Teens who want theirs need 25 hours of behind the wheel training (mostly done during your driver ed class at school). At my high school, you had to take driver's ed to graduate.
the main problem is the big oil companies are buying peoples ideas and ripping the plans up,and can someone please do the conversion for me,in australia we are paying 1.15 a litre,u guys in the usa have very cheap petrol so stop fucking winging!!!
remington69 said:
It varies from state to state. In Illinois, you have to pass a written and road test. Teens who want theirs need 25 hours of behind the wheel training (mostly done during your driver ed class at school). At my high school, you had to take driver's ed to graduate.

Along with the gas, this is another thing you can´t complain about in the US!

1. Here you have to be 18 to get a license.
2. Today, you need 20 hours of driving and about 30 hours of theory at a driving school.
3. When I got my license it cost me about 1200$. Back then it was with 8 hours of driving and about 20 hours of theory.

Do you have seperate licenses for motorcycles and trucks?

Here a motorcycle license costs about 1500$, a truck license 3000-4000$, and a fucking cab drivers license about 600$!

Licence for a trailer to your truck, and for a bus of course costs extra.....:rolleyes:
I'd like to get one of those.
What's her name?

Hawng said:
everybody is going to have to go get one of these....


The 1990 ford festiva, With enough room to put your ass and thats about it. I filled up this weekend, at $2.74 it cost me 23 bucks and at 35 mpg city, highway is about 40-45. I can go all week on a tank of gas.
well the gas price went up about 60 cents in the last 3 months. at the begining of summer last year gas in was $1.79 in naperville IL. my sister told me it's now $2.89. that's quite a price change. i'm sure it's going to go up a little more before labour day weekend. the gas companies and your local goverment will want to rape you just a little harded for the extra cash. also if the united states were the size of the uk i wouldn't need to drive as far to go everwhere. if the united states are in iraq for oil. we are getting our ass kicked.
heard some head honcho from some petrol association say supply and demand,if we are happy paying the higher prices the petrol will of course conitnue to go up.
I don't think the 24/7 about gas prices on the news helps much either. I used to get pissed when they raised the price every thursday just to bring them back down on monday. It's also weird to see how people have changed their opinions. It used to be most people pissed about gas going up and now half defend it with look at what other counties pay and how it has kept up with inflation. It's also nice how some states would impose more taxes on gas if the hybrid cars get popular enough. I'm pretty sure ohio thought about it. Gotta pay for the road some how right? I say here in the U.S. we need a national standard grade of gas. From what I understand that is one of the reasons for price flux. It's something like 40 different state standards or something.