OT: I'm in the Navy.

Will Bozarth

Everlasting Godstopper
Jan 26, 2002
New Jersey
I just wanted to tell you people that might give a shit that I'm shipping off to basic training in Great Lakes, IL on March 16, 2010, then I go to school to become a Gunner's Mate. :kickass:

They want you, They want you
They want you as a new recruit!

Congrats! You'll spend plenty of time at the Gurnee Mills shopping mall - we always see a ton of naval people at the mall. Just bought a house not far from there!
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Thanks Wilhelm. Sorry about your gig the other night. Wanted to pop out and give you a big hug for keeping us all safe but family emergency cropped up.
Best of Luck. In January of 73 I did 13 weeks of boot camp at Great Lakes. I'm sure some things have changed since, but when I went in with real long hair(7 years growth) it was shaved off in like 7 seconds. When our unit would go to the chow hall, all the other "squids" that had been there for awhile called us "newbies" fuckin "raisinheads." Coldest winter of my life, with the winds blowin' off the lakes. I remember it being 90% mental and 10$ physical. We started out with 85 guys in the beginning, after 13 weeks our final count was 53. So, they will can you if you don't pass your tests. Stay focused, move forward and you'll be alright.
^ yeh, used the dollar symbol. Thanks for pointing out that huge mistake. I hope you feel empowered now. Do you think you should learn how to spell?
Congratulations Will. I joined the Royal Navy straight from school aged 16. I was a WEM(R) which is Weapons Engineering Mechanic (Radar). Basically I serviced and installed radar and missile guidance systems. It taught me a lot about myself as well as lessons for life. I think everyone should have to do some military service at some point.
10$ phisical? were they acepting bribes then?


Honestly dude, you of all people shouldn't give others crap for typos. I've almost put you on ignore due to the headaches that come with trying to figure out what the hell words are supposed to be.