OT: Markbass - Amplifier


Apr 21, 2005
Minneapolis, MN
Since there are several bassists on this forum, does anyone play the Markbass amps?

I tried one out tonight at Guitar Center and I was stunned. Extremely lightweight and great tone. The 500 watt combo weighs 29 lbs!! Hopefully it won't be long before guitar amp makers follow suit. Sure Mesa Boogie sounds Godlike, but try carrying one!!..
Markbass are very good but they're hard to find, usually only the major cities have them. They're made in Italy. My next toy will be a Schroeder 21012 cab to go with my GK head. It has two 10" and one 12" angled in the cabinet, they handle 1200 watts and will destroy most 8x10 bass cabs.

Markbass are great if you can afford them.
Since there are several bassists on this forum, does anyone play the Markbass amps?

I tried one out tonight at Guitar Center and I was stunned. Extremely lightweight and great tone. The 500 watt combo weighs 29 lbs!! Hopefully it won't be long before guitar amp makers follow suit. Sure Mesa Boogie sounds Godlike, but try carrying one!!..

It is not cheap but for the weight the Little Mark II is the ultimate "stashed under the seat" backup amp.
There is quite a buzz about the Markbass amps and in a pound for pound volume you can't beat them with a stick. Tone can be argued for eons but technological improvements have greatly reduced the weight of gig worthy bass gear.
Sure an SVT sounds great but the head is 90 pounds and the cabinet 100+.

I find it somewhat comical watching the opening bands sometimes have big ass 8X10 cabinets and Wanda slays with a little 2X12 at 1/3rd the weight. :lol::headbang:

However many folks are dies hard tube fans and will haul them as long as they are able.

Bass players typically will embrace different technology in amps and instruments more so than geetar players will. I doubt you will see any big buzz about a lightweight guitar amp any time soon.

I have a GK 400RB, 13 lbs,and a Carvin B800, 22 lbs handling the lighter weight roles and a BBE Bmax and QSC Power amp for the big rig, 70 lb.

Markbass are very good but they're hard to find, usually only the major cities have them. They're made in Italy. My next toy will be a Schroeder 21012 cab to go with my GK head. It has two 10" and one 12" angled in the cabinet, they handle 1200 watts and will destroy most 8x10 bass cabs.

Markbass are great if you can afford them.

Ya oughta hear Wanda's 4x12L Schroeder, Jeff. With a QSC 3102 pumping up to 3100 watts into it.......


It's all about the headroom.

Markbass are very good but they're hard to find, usually only the major cities have them. They're made in Italy. My next toy will be a Schroeder 21012 cab to go with my GK head. It has two 10" and one 12" angled in the cabinet, they handle 1200 watts and will destroy most 8x10 bass cabs.

Markbass are great if you can afford them.

I am an old dog who has had her first chiropractic appointment this past year. Money isn't an issue with me as long as I get to gig til I die. :headbang:
Ya oughta hear Wanda's 4x12L Schroeder, Jeff. With a QSC 3102 pumping up to 3100 watts into it.......


It's all about the headroom.


Sounds nice:kickass: 3100 watts is a little too much for me though. I've played some 1500-2000 seat venues when I had my Sabbath tribute and I either used the Ampeg 350 watt SVT or the 350 watt Hartke with a 8x10 and let the monitor guy do the rest. I don't think I ever turned the preamp gain past 5 at any gigs.

I am looking forward to picking up a Schroeder, but then I'll need a bigger GK:p
Sounds nice:kickass: 3100 watts is a little too much for me though. I've played some 1500-2000 seat venues when I had my Sabbath tribute and I either used the Ampeg 350 watt SVT or the 350 watt Hartke with a 8x10 and let the monitor guy do the rest. I don't think I ever turned the preamp gain past 5 at any gigs.

I am looking forward to picking up a Schroeder, but then I'll need a bigger GK:p

Well that is what volume knobs are for Jeff. :p Better to have an amp that can handle anything than one you push into the redline all the time.

I baked the tweeter in my little Nemesis combo because I pushed it too hard once at practice. Dang guitard needing "his tone" :rolleyes: which could only be achieved at 10 billion db.

I have nothing against volume but in a residential neighborhood you have to be realistic.

The Schoeders are real efficient and may give you a good db boost on their own. The SWR Triad Wanda used to use had a 98db rating and the Schroeder is 104 db so that alone was a little more than 1/2 volume increase just in driver efficiency.

I have NEVER heard a guitar player called a "GUITARD".:lol::lol::lol:That is brilliant!:lol::lol: Thank you all for the little peak into the minds of bass players! Can't wait for some drummers to start a post to see what goes on in the minds of those animals!:lol::lol:
Well that is what volume knobs are for Jeff. :p Better to have an amp that can handle anything than one you push into the redline all the time.

I baked the tweeter in my little Nemesis combo because I pushed it too hard once at practice. Dang guitard needing "his tone" :rolleyes: which could only be achieved at 10 billion db.

I have nothing against volume but in a residential neighborhood you have to be realistic.

The Schoeders are real efficient and may give you a good db boost on their own. The SWR Triad Wanda used to use had a 98db rating and the Schroeder is 104 db so that alone was a little more than 1/2 volume increase just in driver efficiency.

It also comes down to how loud you want it on stage, 100-300 watt amps sound great with monitors and side fills. Volume wars become what they are because you HAVE the power. If everyone is limited the sound is usually well balanced on stage.

If you rely on your rig to fill the room then the amps I mentioned won't cut it. Good PA systems are key ;)
I have NEVER heard a guitar player called a "GUITARD".:lol::lol::lol:That is brilliant!:lol::lol: Thank you all for the little peak into the minds of bass players! Can't wait for some drummers to start a post to see what goes on in the minds of those animals!:lol::lol:

You mean you've never seen this John? :loco:


It also comes down to how loud you want it on stage, 100-300 watt amps sound great with monitors and side fills. Volume wars become what they are because you HAVE the power. If everyone is limited the sound is usually well balanced on stage.

If you rely on your rig to fill the room then the amps I mentioned won't cut it. Good PA systems are key ;)

I have seen many a bass player locally that just uses a little combo 150 + watts or so, with direct out to the PA for volume. Why bass players think that they still need refridgerator sized cabinets are beyond me. The 60's are long gone. We have better technology now :loco: Of course the bigs cabs sound incredible. I just don't understand how someone would want to be lugging those monsters to local club gigs. Big concert stages yes; but those musicians have roadies.
I have seen many a bass player locally that just uses a little combo 150 + watts or so, with direct out to the PA for volume. Why bass players think that they still need refridgerator sized cabinets are beyond me. The 60's are long gone. We have better technology now :loco: Of course the bigs cabs sound incredible. I just don't understand how someone would want to be lugging those monsters to local club gigs. Big concert stages yes; but those musicians have roadies.

I remember driving all over new england with the rear bumper of my Mazda pickup 5 inches off the ground because of all the heavy cabinets. Well I have a nice conversion van now but we're all using smaller amps.
Bass players typically will embrace different technology in amps and instruments more so than geetar players will. I doubt you will see any big buzz about a lightweight guitar amp any time soon.


Ahem...I just got done looking at the latest Guitar World mag. Mackie has just put or will be putting a 120 watt tube amp on the market that weighs less than 25 lbs. Going to have to try this thing out! I hope that it doesn't sound like crap.
Ahem...I just got done looking at the latest Guitar World mag. Mackie has just put or will be putting a 120 watt tube amp on the market that weighs less than 25 lbs. Going to have to try this thing out! I hope that it doesn't sound like crap.

It probably has the Neo speakers in it, they really reduce the weight.
Ahem...I just got done looking at the latest Guitar World mag. Mackie has just put or will be putting a 120 watt tube amp on the market that weighs less than 25 lbs. Going to have to try this thing out! I hope that it doesn't sound like crap.

Well maybe it will debut at NAMM next week. I'll be cruising the place doing the gear geek thang.

H, ya wanna check it out?

Well maybe it will debut at NAMM next week. I'll be cruising the place doing the gear geek thang.

H, ya wanna check it out?


Hey, if it is there, check it out and let me know what you think. I just want to do a housecleaning and get rid of my old heavy stuff and go lightweight (but with great tone) .
Ahem...I just got done looking at the latest Guitar World mag. Mackie has just put or will be putting a 120 watt tube amp on the market that weighs less than 25 lbs. Going to have to try this thing out! I hope that it doesn't sound like crap.

This thing still isn't on the market.......This amp probably isn't to be trusted anyhow. But, the Boogie Express amps are here!!. Yes, lightweight with great tone. Finally, an amp to just zip to the local bar gig with and not break one's back in the process. 5.25 Express w/1x12 speaker.
My .02 on Markbass - nice stuff. The weight saved is a huge plus. My biggest concern is tone - I recently plugged my Fender Geddy Lee Jazz into one at Guitar Center (the location here has a TON of Markbass stuff) and it sounded very boutique-y. Great detail, fundamental and depth but my personal experience is, amps that sound like that get buried underneath guitars. I discovered years ago when using a loaner bass and rig (and sounding better in the mix than I did with my 3k Warwick bass and Expensive EBS backline)that the most expensive, boutique stuff doesn't necessarily help you out on stage. I got the impression that the MarkBass stuff would be great in a mellower setting, i.e. jazz or blues.

I too am a GK guy. I'm using the 1001RB-II right now and loving it - plenty of headroom and a nice clean sound reproduction. Using am Ampeg SVT-410HLF cab (it's a heavy bugger but until someone can make a cab that sounds like that at half the weight it stays!) and a SanAmp Bass Driver DI to add a little grit and ensure that I am going to sound huge through the house all the time.