OT: Official Movie Thread!


Nov 9, 2005
New-Brunswick, Canada
Well, the other week on the forum I remember someone saying that "The Machinist" was a great movie. So the other day me and my girlfriend went to rent a movie but everything sucked then I noticed The Machinist, I had never watched it before or ever even heard of it other than here in the forum. So I rented that one and it blew me away! It's an excellent movie, I was blown away...

Anyways, I just figured that if this forum lead me to rent that kickass movie, I figure it works for everyone. So I guess this is kinda like the "Your last purchase" thread but you post what movie(s) you recently watched. Even if it's an old movie post it anyways, old movies have a tendency to be better than new ones anyways.

To start it off, today I watched Old School and I'm currently watching Dumb and Dumber :lol: And the other day I watched Equilibrium for the second time, it's a really good movie. Plus I just noticed this time that it's the same guy from The Machinist except way less skinny.

I was just watching Full Metal Jacket the other day, now I've seen it a million times casue it kicks all ass, but I hit the info button this time and found out they only gave it 3 1/2 stars, and I wanted to throw something at the screen when I saw that.

Hmm, what else? Oh yes, If you've never seen City of Lost Children, you really need to, its a total mind fuck. and speaking of french films, theres also the classic The Professional.
I recently saw the omen. it was good.

watched spinal tap on late night vh1 last night, and it still makes me laugh even though i've seen it like 123245954187561 times.
MrFast said:
And the other day I watched Equilibrium for the second time, it's a really good movie. Plus I just noticed this time that it's the same guy from The Machinist except way less skinny.

umm.. havent you noticed me raving on about Christian Bale every opportunity I get?? :lol:

Last Night I went to see Cars which was pretty cool - I love Pixar stuff, and I'm trying to get to see the Omen hopefully next week sometime.

Last movie I bought was 'Office Space' (oldie but a goodie) coz I saw it on sale for $10 and I love it, especially Gary Cole. Since seeing it again I've started talking like Lumbergh ("yeaaaah...right...if you could ahhh.. go ahead and do that for me....that would be greeaaatt.. mmkay?"). Also although not a movie, I got 4th season of 'Family Guy' coz it just came out retail here in Aus not long ago.
The obvious answer is Fubar... An AWSOME hilariouly stupid movie lol! Oh and Full Metal Jacket is great as well!

"Where you from Private?!" "Texas" "Texas..TEXAS, only steers and queers come from texas and you don't look like a cow so that narrows it down a little!"
proulxski said:
The obvious answer is Fubar... An AWSOME hilariouly stupid movie lol! Oh and Full Metal Jacket is great as well!

"Where you from Private?!" "Texas" "Texas..TEXAS, only steers and queers come from texas and you don't look like a cow so that narrows it down a little!"

LOL, yeah Full Metal Jacket is awesome! Saw is good, John Q (gotta love the Q) is very good. And a lot of Anime... you also gots to love anime :D
Time-Machinist said:
Recently I've watched "Dark Water" of Hideo Nakata, and "Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind". Both are great i think.

Hey Time-Machinist, is your sig a character from Baldurs Gate (i was just playing it, and it seemed familiar)?
No from Diablo II :) Tyrael, you know him? BTW, Baldur's Gate II is such an excellent game (lets make this "Off Topic" "OFF"
er) :lol:
Hell yeah, when you beat Izual this crazy bastard goes and gives you 2 skill points! :headbang:

Back on topic (which is kind of ironic cause this is an OT thread..), our english teacher made us watch Office Space the other week. Man it was funny :lol: and I finally get the point of this now :D
I rented the movie Gummo recently...I'm not sure how to describe it...it doesn't really have a plot, none of the characters go through any development or anything, its almost like a psudo-documentary on the white trash south in America. Really fucked up, because I know places like this really exist...
Androz said:
The last movie I watched is "Metal: A Headbanger's Journey" It was preety cool. Man, that guy from Gorgoroth is so cold
I really need to see this documentary but up until yesterday I had no idea it existed at all.There isn’t on the cinema nor can I find it in any video club :cry:
Its a movie about metal so its kind of expected not be very promoted here.

I think of going to the cinema to catch a movie tonight so it will ether be Ice Age 2 or The Omen :Shedevil:
^^ Well, The Big Lebowski is unique. I can't explain how much pleasure i take from that movie. So far i've watched it 10 times or so, and i will continuously watch it all my life :)