Movies/series thread


Language enthusiast
May 7, 2002
Utrecht, Netherlands
There's a horror movie thread, a favourite movie scenes thread, but no general movie thread. Movies are cool, so I made this thread :popcorn: It's also allowed to discuss series.

Watched World War Z the other day, it was entertaining, the zombies are different than for example those in The Walking Dead, much more fierce and aggressive. Especially the scene where Jerusalem gets overrun was pretty impressive.

Also watched Gravity, about 2 astronauts (played by Sandra Bullock and George Clooney) on Spaceshuttle Explorer who get adrift in space after the space shuttle gets hit by debris and is destroyed. Beautifully made movie, the sequence of events is somewhat unrealistic and far-fetched, but the photography is stunning and makes the movie worth spending those 90 minutes of your life.

Series I thoroughly enjoy(ed):

The Sopranos
Boardwalk Empire
Breaking Bad
The Walking Dead
The Killing (Danish version)
True Detective
The Knick
The Newsroom (just 6 episodes in, cool series, Jeff Daniels is boss)

Please share what you enjoyed recently.
World War Z was terrible movie...

"Recently" watched Godzilla and as a fan of classic lizard I enjoyed this one. Sure, I would change a lot but overall I liked it. Maybe in sequel they can get more things right.

Series I enjoy(ed):
Breaking Bad
Game of Thrones
Walking Dead
House MD
Me and gf watched The Hobbit: The Battle of The Five Armies last weekend, it was pretty amazing! Lot's of bodyparts being separated from torsos by means of axe and sword! :kickass:
I guess only in bad guys, because good guys can fell from 50 km high cliffs and still survive.

Btw, was there a lot of dwarven army action? I am preparing some lube, because I cant wait to see dwarves charging on their goats.
My body is ready then, the movie might even suck, be -5/10 whatever, I waited all my life to see a movie with army of dwarves and its all i care about.
My body is ready then, the movie might even suck, be -5/10 whatever, I waited all my life to see a movie with army of dwarves and its all i care about.

Well then...

It's "polack" if you want to insult. Although most polacks are too stupid to know that and they will keep arguing that its supposed to be "pole" EKS DEE

Youre just jelly that i did it before you :3
correcting spelling is a sure sign of missing the point.

ive been watching movies for the past month or so. finally saw pans labyrinth. was surprised how great it was, although i was sad because i was watching the movie from the perspective of the colonel as a main character :lol: (just to annoy the gf)
correcting spelling is a sure sign of missing the point.

ive been watching movies for the past month or so. finally saw pans labyrinth. was surprised how great it was, although i was sad because i was watching the movie from the perspective of the colonel as a main character :lol: (just to annoy the gf)

That movie is amazing. I wasn't sure what it was about when I put it on, I half expected it to be a children's movie. Needless to say it took me by surprise :p Best Spanish movie ever!
I wasnt correcting him to prove my point or anything. I like ti insult other polacks on a daily basis, they often go mad if you call them that way, polack, polish peasant, eurotrash. I just want to train people to insult scum of the europe better.
That movie is amazing. I wasn't sure what it was about when I put it on, I half expected it to be a children's movie. Needless to say it took me by surprise :p Best Spanish movie ever!

haha yea i actually knew nothing about it as well. all i knew was that it was spanish, set in the past, and there was some guy with eyes on his hands :lol: (oh and that it was awesome).

i gotta say, im pumped for the new terminator.
does it make sense in the context of the rest of the movies? i dont think it does. but thats exactly why i think it will be great, because the story will be just as paradoxical and ridiculous as t2!
most of the movies aren't doing anything for me. Saw The Equalizer yesterday, decent but 40 mins too long, really hate that Cloe graze moretz or whatsherface.

I really liked Blood Ties, Awesome 60's soundtrack and good acting. And good cop vs gangster action.
haha yea i actually knew nothing about it as well. all i knew was that it was spanish, set in the past, and there was some guy with eyes on his hands :lol: (oh and that it was awesome).

i gotta say, im pumped for the new terminator.
does it make sense in the context of the rest of the movies? i dont think it does. but thats exactly why i think it will be great, because the story will be just as paradoxical and ridiculous as t2!

The scene where the dude stitches up the side of his mouth was pretty brutal and awesome.

As far as I know, the new Terminator is kind of a reboot of the first movie. I think. Not sure though.

most of the movies aren't doing anything for me. Saw The Equalizer yesterday, decent but 40 mins too long, really hate that Cloe graze moretz or whatsherface.

I don't really care if it's good or not, I just want to watch Denzel Washington fuck people up :kickass:
Finished watching Snowpiercer. I dont really get this movie, but it was fun, but the ending was racist.

What this movie taught me? Kill the plebs ??? Profit and survival.
Got done watching Arrow. Okay show though some of the actors are void of emotion. I only watched it because I liked the action scenes - way too much drama other than that :erk: