OT: Who gets the last word?

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nafnikufesin said:
Four weeks left until my final oral exam. Thirteen years of post-secondary education, $3000 just to write the exam, two months notice given to our landlord, with movers set to come and take us to Edmonton in July for a job that I won't have confirmed until I know that I passed the exam.

No pressure. :grin:

Is that $3000 Canadian? Cause I think that's only like a buck fifty in American. :lol:
Homer: "Here's a dollar"
Guy: "Wow! American Currency!!! What time do you want your breakfast sir?"

or something like that... and our dollar is not that bad brat! It's risen up to 4$ US -> 1000$ CAN ! Not too shabby eh?
beermonster said:
Jeez, this thread still goin??You got balls people, real balls.
Yes. And I shaved mine a few days ago. Looks fuckin kick-ass, porno-style!
Good morning, Heidi.
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