OT: Who gets the last word?

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Metal Maiden said:
There is a button in the toolbar when you reply to insert image, click on that. It is also in the place where you edit your sig.

THanks MM, but i click on insert image, then I don't understand what it is asking me for--some kind of script prompt??!!. Let me try again. Dammitt. I have wasted 30 minutes trying this this morning. My boss would strangle me if he knew.

anthrax_moshing_maniac said:
Did you no that wanking is ment to be good for you lol :tickled:

Of course we knew it. It practices the wrist(s), it cleanses the pipes, it keeps Mr.Johnson vigorous and in shape... and I could go on and on about the benefits of the "wanking" but better yet is when the wank gets wanked by a hand other than yours; say a hand of a pretty gal..or her foot, if that's what you're into... (me I'm not, although I know someone who is). ;)
Riehlthing said:
I just gave a bunch more reps, and still won't let me spread it back to Brat....

It's weird--I had to spread it around before I could get give it to people again, but it's gotta be some magic number like 10 or something cause I'd go in, give the rep check on someone, let's say brat, and it wouldn't do it, then go to another person give it to them, and then i went back and it let mne give it to her then.

I'll bet it's in an FAQ somewhere what the number is. once I start passing out rep I usually give away too much in a day.

How many points do you need for two dots, BRAT?
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