OT: Who gets the last word?

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mrthrax said:
another good one was in primary school,fanny was her name,and it probably didnt matter in the early years but soon enough us young kids finally knew what a fanny was lol.she ended up changing her name to faye

Yeah, my name is Francine, and most people call me Fran or Franny for short. So, you could imagine how many times Franny turned into Fanny in grade school.

And speaking of weird names, I do have a nephew named Anakin. Yep, of Star Wars fame. He doesn't seem to mind it now (he's three), but wait 'til that poor kid gets older. Especially since his younger brother is named Logan (another fanboy name, but not as obvious as Anakin).
Okay, bRaT. Maiden answered the question....now it's your turn!
How do you like to be orally satisfied???
Okay! But let's back up a bit!
How do YOU reach the first O? Just licking the clit...? Back and forth, or up and down?
Please explain your answer.:)
Sam Kinison brought up the A B C thing in one of his skits.
I heard that is not true, except for maybe Metal Maiden. I heard that the tongue going left, right or up, down is best.
ThraxDude said:
Sam Kinison brought up the A B C thing in one of his skits.
I heard that is not true, except for maybe Metal Maiden. I heard that the tongue going left, right or up, down is best.

I think what they mean isn't so literal. Just don't sit there doing the same stoke, over and over and over and expect her to enjoy it. The same goes for bj's. Don't be to repetative. :)
I once had a gay friend (who'd never been with a woman in his life) try to convince me that if he went down on me, he'd ruin me for all other men. He kept it up for almost an hour. I don't know how he kept a straight face. I'm pretty sure he believed it. And I kept saying "Yeah, til I drop my pants and there's something missing." To get him to finally shut up, I said, "Okay, let's go." He said "What?" I said, "If you're that fucking good, then I'm wasting precious time here. We're going upstairs." At first my husband was like "What the...?" til he saw the look on the guy's face. He never talked about "pleasing" a woman again. :lol:
We should change the subject of this thread to the anything goes thread...

but until then, last word for now.
"A city of souls dying for peace
welcome to the belly of the beast
one mind, one voice
welcome to the belly of the beast
who hears your voice?
this is the belly of the beast
and all the souls dying for peace
inside the belly of the beast."
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