OT: Who gets the last word?

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bRaTpRiNcEsS said:
I've been up all night with the kids, otherwise I wouldn't even be on at such an ungodly hour. But I at least thought after not coming back all day yesterday I'd have something to look at when I got here.
Yeah right...was wondering why you were listed as being on the board before wakeup time (noon)
My direct boss is the wife of a former boss...but I work in a call center, and we have many team managers...and they're all bosses...but we have a specific one for us, and she's one of my better bosses I've had here.
Metal Maiden said:
Up with both kids? !:eek: What's wrong?

Tonya just got up once for her regular feeding, but she did it the only time I could get Joey in bed. He woke up about 11 screaming, and continued to scream every time we tried to keep him in his room. I finally gave up at 12:30 and laid on the couch with him. He spent a total of 3 hours in his room last night, the rest was awake, on the couch. I still have no idea what was wrong with him.

Here's my rant of the day:
Then I get on here just before 6, and my father-in-law starts lecturing me on buying a house (apparently I'm beyond stupid unless he guides me :Smug: ) and tells me I need to put Joey on a diet to "calm him down some". The arrogant fuck was a terrible father and now lives in Michigan and has seen my kid for one week of his entire life, and he's gonna fucking tell me how to raise him. Fucking people.
bRaTpRiNcEsS said:
Tonya just got up once for her regular feeding, but she did it the only time I could get Joey in bed. He woke up about 11 screaming, and continued to scream every time we tried to keep him in his room. I finally gave up at 12:30 and laid on the couch with him. He spent a total of 3 hours in his room last night, the rest was awake, on the couch. I still have no idea what was wrong with him.

Here's my rant of the day:
Then I get on here just before 6, and my father-in-law starts lecturing me on buying a house (apparently I'm beyond stupid unless he guides me :Smug: ) and tells me I need to put Joey on a diet to "calm him down some". The arrogant fuck was a terrible father and now lives in Michigan and has seen my kid for one week of his entire life, and he's gonna fucking tell me how to raise him. Fucking people.
I get lectured from my dad saying I don't save money on the first day I bring my new car over to show him. And it's a 92 Saturn with under 60,000 miles on it. I bought it in 2000, so that's not even 8,000 miles per year. Leather seats and sun roof. That's irresponsible?
People suck...
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