OT: Who gets the last word?

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Well, it's especially irritating coming from him, because my husband cut him out of his life for most of our marriage and he's only been in the picture for less than a year, but he's going to tell me how to spend my money and raise my kids, meanwhile he got cleaned out in two divorces and all the money he has now comes from his third wife, and he's got an illegitimate daughter with her because he had a 30-something year affair with her before he finally married her. All of this shit would be a lot easier to hear from a responsible human being, not this pain in the ass.

p.s. That's a very good buy, Rhielthing.
bRaTpRiNcEsS said:
Well, it's especially irritating coming from him, because my husband cut him out of his life for most of our marriage and he's only been in the picture for less than a year, but he's going to tell me how to spend my money and raise my kids, meanwhile he got cleaned out in two divorces and all the money he has now comes from his third wife, and he's got an illegitimate daughter with her because he had a 30-something year affair with her before he finally married her. All of this shit would be a lot easier to hear from a responsible human being, not this pain in the ass.

p.s. That's a very good buy, Rhielthing.
Gotta love advice from people who could use advice themselves. Your kids haven't held up a store yet or killed anyone have they?
Sounds like you're doing good job to me.

I thought it was a good buy. Still have the car and I've picked up a win at a racetrack with it.

Where's everybody at?
Sorry guys, but this is funny.

Another day arriving at work and no new comments...
and they reimaged our machines and the new image works horribly...tons of errors...Not happy today. Lost my music files, but since they're off my backup cds, I can put them back on, just takes awhile.
That was funny, Maiden. It's not our fault they don't know how to work those things. :D

Joey was a lot better last night. He was cranky and tired all day yesterday (which is fun when you're signing contracts for your house), he gave me a bit of shit about going to bed, although that might have been because of the wrestling match we calling "giving medicine". But he stayed down til 8:30 this morning (much more like it!) and he seems fine today. I'm pretty sure he was just cutting his last two-year molar. Which is kind of ironic, because Tonya just cut her first tooth yesterday, too.
Madison was soooo good when she got her teeth. We woke up one morning, there was a tooth. Woke up the next morning, there was another tooth. She wasn't the least bit fussy or anything.

And she has always been good about taking medicine. I have never given her the option of not taking it like a big girl. Sometimes she would cry, but all I had to do was tell her that she had to take it, and she would.
I wish. I still have to use the dropper. It is literally a wrestling match. He's too much like his father (i.e. stubborn and pig-headed and eager to get on my nerves).

Joey teethed just fine for all his other teeth. He would get four teeth in two weeks, take a month off, get four more in two weeks. These molars just about killed him. At least last time when he got so sick, three came in at once.

This was Tonya's first tooth (about damn time). I've been checking every morning for it, and it's been close for a while. She's had some seriously cranky nights the last couple of weeks. Then it came in some time yesterday and she was just fine all day.

You two are remindning me of all those sleepless nights I had with Ryan where he wouldn't sleep in his bed and I had to hold him all night to comfort him and I couldn't figure out why till the next morning or the day after that when we'd find the teeth popping thru.

Ryan turns 2 in 3 weeks. I don't think he's gotten any of the 2 year molars yet, but he got all of his other teeth early.
Madison didn't even have problems with her other teeth. She'd come to me and say "Mom, I've got something in my mouth" and open it so I could see.
I have been so lucky with her.
Maiden...that just wasn't right...something for the battle of the sex board, a guy just sees another guy hit in the bad spot and it sends a jolt of pain. The memory of being hit in the junk is just too much to bear...

And that guy has to be feeling pain...

You two are remindning me of all those sleepless nights I had with Ryan where he wouldn't sleep in his bed and I had to hold him all night to comfort him and I couldn't figure out why till the next morning or the day after that when we'd find the teeth popping thru.

Ryan turns 2 in 3 weeks. I don't think he's gotten any of the 2 year molars yet, but he got all of his other teeth early.

How does Ryan like his new sister? Has he tried to figure out where her pee-pee is yet? :lol:
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