OT: Who gets the last word?

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bRaTpRiNcEsS said:
I sooooooo don't miss that. Tonya still gets up sometimes, but it's only once. It sucks ass when they're up 3-5 times a night.

And I'm very jealous of your wife because you get up with the baby. :wave:

well, she has to get up cause she's nursing, but i sometimes get up to help and then I try to soothe Abby if it's gas or any other non-feeding issues.

It's pretty exhausting. Saturday is sounding really good today.

You are on your way on those posts.

We don't have power ball but we have the mega millions--same thing. And, my goal is also to win it and quit work.
So how does Ryan like his sister?

My husband tried getting up with Tonya a few times (he's better at gassy babies than I am), but once she's got it in her mind that I'm the one she wants, she gives everyone else hell for it. It really is a pain in the ass. I'm really looking forward to weaning her.
well, she has to get up cause she's nursing, but i sometimes get up to help and then I try to soothe Abby if it's gas or any other non-feeding issues.

It's pretty exhausting. Saturday is sounding really good today.

You are on your way on those posts.

We don't have power ball but we have the mega millions--same thing. And, my goal is also to win it and quit work.
We have mega millions too, but I'm 10 miles from Oregon, where there is powerball...actually, work in Oregon, so get tickets on way home from work.
bRaTpRiNcEsS said:
So how does Ryan like his sister?

My husband tried getting up with Tonya a few times (he's better at gassy babies than I am), but once she's got it in her mind that I'm the one she wants, she gives everyone else hell for it. It really is a pain in the ass. I'm really looking forward to weaning her.

Ryan's been awesome with his little sister. Everything you suggested we did, along with pounding it into his head how cool it is to be a big brother. He's been really good to her. Also, every time someone brings Abby a gift, he gets one from them or from us (my wife got him a stash of small gifts from dollar store) so he's a happy little man!! He gives her kisses and hugs and he's pretty gentle with her.

With mom on the other hand, he's up and down--really mean to her one minute, really sweet the next.

Ryan's exhausting me too lately. The kid goes to bed at 11PM. Wakes up at close to 10, takes a nap in the afternoon. He's already a night owl (like us i suppose) and he's not 2 yet.
Joey was like that, going to bed 11ish and not waking up til 9-10. He gradually started getting up earlier and earlier, so I had to start putting him down earlier. Now I send him in at 9:30. He's usually up for a bit in his room. He gets up about 8, usually, although sometimes he sneaks a 6:30 or 7 in on me.

He was also hard on me until Tonya was about 2-3 months old.

And now he doesn't really know if he likes her or not. He still hugs and kisses her a lot, but he also steals her toys and pushes her down. I think he feels threatened now that she can walk.
Sounds like lots of experience to me. :tickled:

Yes, the Catholic schoolgirl outfit. Scary. My neighbor's daughter is 13. She runs around the neighborhood scantily dressed all sumemr and now she got her belly button pierced. She's 13. WTF is up with that?!! I don't remember the girls being like that at 17 or 18 in high school when i went. Or maybe I just hung out with the wrong girls? Very possible.
Girls weren't like that when I was that age either. Parents wouldn't consent for body piercings (is that even enforced anymore??), so we had to be content with our ears done. We kept our clothes on and didn't like dressing like whores. This is sad to say, but your neighbor's kid is going to be a mommy a lot sooner than she should be.....
bRaTpRiNcEsS said:
Girls weren't like that when I was that age either. Parents wouldn't consent for body piercings (is that even enforced anymore??), so we had to be content with our ears done. We kept our clothes on and didn't like dressing like whores. This is sad to say, but your neighbor's kid is going to be a mommy a lot sooner than she should be.....

I hope not. She's really a wonderful kid. She actually loves Ryan to death and always comes over to play with him. She wants to take a baby-sitting class so she can baby-sit him. She just dresses skimpy. You talk to her and she actually comes across a little goodie-two-shoes. Her younger bro and sis are more daring in other areas, like trying a cigar from their drunken dad when i had a party, but she dresses skimpy. I don't know?!!

The thing with a belly ring, is it seems to me like it's more suggestive than earrings or makeup. It's like check out my mid-section and come fuck me.
I managed to stay a virgin until 18, which I think by today's standards would mean "frigid prude".

In junior high, we passed notes and whispered about boys when we thought they couldn't hear us. Now they're giving blowjobs and sneaking out at night. I don't want to think about what high school kids are doing.
Webcams...that's what they're doing.

Ya know, it's funny about girls that leave notes in middle school for other girls...we'd sit behind them and switch the notes spots...swap them around...it was fun.
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