OT: Who gets the last word?

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One more thing on that, the reason we started having more fun moving them around was cause reading them was boring mostly. Maybe a couple lines of fun stuff, but the rest dull...even if you swapped them in hands, and left them under your desk, we'd still move 'em. Yes we were evil. We also came up with code words for things, like good looking girls.
Hey, it's only 9 am here, okay? I have the pacific time zone advantage around here til daylight savings kicks in again.

As for code words, fuck, we spoke in code so much, our parents probably thought we were on crack and forgot how to speak English. We coded everything, from a cute guy, to a particular cute guy, to getting drunk and passing out. Hell, we even coded teachers so we could talk about them in their own classes. And now I find old notes full of those codes and I go, what in the fuck is she talking about?
Some chicks think we like whipped cream on naked breasts.
Some chicks are wrong! :puke:
To the ladies in da house: I'll lick your breasts without any artificial flavors! Thanks.:wave:
ThraxDude said:
There's a time to each pudding, and a time to eat chonch.
Those are 2 different times.

Pudding would be a challenge unless it hasn't congealed completely yet.

I don't mind the occasional "9-1/2 weeks" mixing of foods and such. I wouldn't make it a habit though, but if given a choice of only one or the other, chonch or pudding, I'd gladly never eat pudding again. :D

As for whipped cream. It's OK, it can be fun--again--on occasion.

Brat, I forget the time zone thing.
What's worse is tasting spermicide when you lick the chonch at the beginning of the next round..... Condoms are no fun, but it's better than .... you know...
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