OT: Who gets the last word?

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mentalmeltdown said:
princess, has any man approached and asked you to "rub his magical wand"?? Seeing how you like magic tricks, you might have fallen for that one p'raps?

I once fell for the pants for the deaf/numb... they "magically" enabled me to read on her ahem, lips (if you know what I'm talking about... wink wink nudge nudge)
No, the cheesiest line I fell for was something about city lights.

My personal favorite is, "I'm in a band. Does that impress you?" (No, it didn't.)
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Rubber Duckie, you're the one,
You make playtime lots of fun,
Rubber Duckie, I like to fondle you;

(ooh ooh, yes ooo!)

Rubber Duckie, joy of toys,
When I squeeze you, you make noise!
Rubber Duckie, you're my very best friend, it's true!

(ooo ooo ooo doooo, doo doo)
2nd time food poisoning.

I had italian sausage...it didn't taste right, so didn't finish it.

first time I had food poisoning it came from the place I worked for, cause another guy also had a pizza from there, same kind, and we both got sick. I was his boss, and since there was another couple delivery drivers, he didn't have to work. I, on the other hand, was training someone to do my job on my days off, so I couldn't. I was in the bathroom every 15 mins. It sucked really bad.
Riehlthing said:
2nd time food poisoning.

I had italian sausage...it didn't taste right, so didn't finish it.

first time I had food poisoning it came from the place I worked for, cause another guy also had a pizza from there, same kind, and we both got sick. I was his boss, and since there was another couple delivery drivers, he didn't have to work. I, on the other hand, was training someone to do my job on my days off, so I couldn't. I was in the bathroom every 15 mins. It sucked really bad.
I got it from Taco Bell several years ago. About a year later it was tore down after being busted by the Health Department. (They built a new one in the same parking lot, but I never went in there.) And then I got it again from the chicken tacos at Julio G's. That time, I busted a blood vessel in my eye from the projectile vomiting. I also busted a bunch of little vessels around my face. I looked like that chick from Deep Space Nine for about a week.
Quack, Quack!

I love my ducky. :D

I have only eaten at Taco Bell once. My friend and I took one bite of the food, threw it out and drove 45 minutes across town to get some real mexican food.
bRaTpRiNcEsS said:
I got it from Taco Bell several years ago. About a year later it was tore down after being busted by the Health Department. (They built a new one in the same parking lot, but I never went in there.) And then I got it again from the chicken tacos at Julio G's. That time, I busted a blood vessel in my eye from the projectile vomiting. I also busted a bunch of little vessels around my face. I looked like that chick from Deep Space Nine for about a week.
I hate that...when a blood vessel pops, or that around your eyes thing. Ugh, that blows so bad. Our Taco Time had the distinction of being the first restaraunt to have an outbreak of Ecoli (I think that was it...) That Taco Time isn't around anymore. Actually, we don't have a Taco Time now...and I liked them. At other cities that is.
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