OT: Who gets the last word?

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bRaTpRiNcEsS said:
I like it once in a while. My husband would eat it every day if humanly possible.
That's how my boyfriend is...and unfortunately, he's the cook, so I have no say.

The best Mexican restaurant I ever been to was surprisingly in Champain, IL. It's called Dos Reals, and it is damn good!! After eating there, I never went to a Taco Hell again. Unless, of course, I'm constipated and want some explosive diarrhea. Ugh...bad memories of ass on fire....

Is there anybody out there?...........

Just .........

Ok, yes, I am bored to death today!!!!!!!!!

*maybe I should just leave work early* :headbang:
Yeah! A new house. When are you moving?

Schools alot more fun now. (I don't have to go.) I love watching Madison learn new things. She drives me crazy with "I can't", but my "You can do anything" and "Just try......see, I knew you could do it" are starting to work. It's just hard sometimes to get home, make dinner, do homework, bathtime, stories and still get her to bed on time.
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