OT: Who gets the last word?

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Riehlthing said:
no Metal Maiden today huh?

Awwww............someone missed me. :Spin: How sweet! You get rrrrrep for that (if I can give it to you).

Some morning amusement sent by mom (mine): :lol:

Situations Hallmark Doesn't Cover, But Should:

1. I always wanted to have... Someone to love, someone to hold...
(inside card) After meeting you, I changed my mind.

2. You brought religion into my life ...
(inside card)
I never believed in Hell until I met you.

3. As the days go by, I think how lucky I am ...
(inside card)
That you're not here to ruin it for me.

4. Congratulations on your promotion.
Before you go ...
(inside card) Take the knife from my back, you'll probably need it

5. Someday I hope to marry ...
(inside card) Someone other than you.

6. Happy birthday! You look great for your age ....
(inside card) Almost life-like!

7 When we were together, You said you'd die for me.. .
(inside card) Now that we've broken up, it's time to keep your promise .

8 We've been friends for a very long time ...
(inside card) What do you say we stop?

9 I'm so miserable without you ....
(inside card) It's almost like you're still here.

10. Congratulations on your new bundle of joy. ..
(inside card) Did you ever find out who the father was?

11. You are such a good friend, if we were on a sinking ship And there
was only one life jacket ... (inside card) I'd miss you terribly, And
think of you often.

12. Your friends and I wanted to do something really special for your
birthday. .. . .. (inside card) So we're having you put to sleep.

13. Happy Birthday, Uncle Dad!
"You know who I don't trust? Canada. They're too nice, they're too quiet, and I think if you stand quietly at night in Buffalo, you can hear them sharpening their skates. Do you know why they hate us? Because years ago, they gave us the croissant, and what did we do? We turned around and made the Croissandwich." - Denis Leary
remington69 said:
I think South Park said it best: "Blame Canada!" :)

Although I shouldn't bash our frozen neighbors to the north. They did let me drink and gamble when I was 18. (I was on a Girl Scout trip...seriously. My troop rocked!)
My troop rocked, too, but I got out when I was 15, because my troop leader (my sister) moved to Arizona and they replaced her with a lame-o.

Thanks, amm!
"And the Canadians won the gold in hockey" pause from cheers, "Hey, way ta go, you Canadians, it's your only frickin' sport. That and a mutant form of football," Robin Williams " 'we have 13 men on a team, and play on a longer field.' You all go have fun now."

Robin Williams rules.
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