OT: Who gets the last word?

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Ever see the South park tribute to Monty Python? that's some funny shit.

I picked up the bbc 30th anniversary dvd and the Holy Grail dvd the other day. God I love the Lego Knights of the Round Table piece....

Hope all is well, and if any of you know any hot females in Ga. send 'em my way!

God I love being a manwhore...err, I mean single again.

Snootchie Bootchies!

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Sorry, I don't know of any hot females in GA. Otherwise, you could have them all. ;)

Nice to know you're still alive and you don't think you're too good to still post here.

amm, trust me, I'd MUCH rather be on the phone with you than my mom, but sadly, I'm talking to my mom and looking up airfares for her. :erk:
GregadetH said:
I picked up the bbc 30th anniversary dvd and the Holy Grail dvd the other day. God I love the Lego Knights of the Round Table piece....

I read, somewhere, that Eric Idle is working on a Broadway musical version of Holy Grail. I think the working title was Spamelot. I'll have to find where I read this.
Here's what Canada has to say to your insults: eh?

I'm sorry I'm not able to come up with a decent comeback, but I'm too busy shining my curling rocks and listening to B.T.O. while trying to catch a glimpse of a hockey game on tv while drinking real beer and eating beans and bacon with maple syrup, contemplating how to catch that sasquatch and avoid being hit by the puck.... yes, it's that fun living in Canada...
This is how the different earthquakes form. All we need is a new, different natural disaster each week and we'll learn tons when I'm here at 4am and bored cause I've read everything I can about the Seahawks on espn.com. This is again off the msnbc page. I'm not smart enough to come up with the big words on my own.

Rift Valley - Continental plates pull apart, allowing the crust to sink.

Mountain Building - Continental plates collide, forcing rock layers to fold and pile up into mountain ranges.

Subduction - Ocean floor is forced under the continental crust and into the magma where it is consumed and recycled. The subduction process is accompanied by the world's strongest quakes, measuring up to 8.9 on the Richter scale.

Sea floor - Balastic magma rises to form new ocean floor along a fault. An undersea ridge is formed which gradually spreads as new material pushes it along its way, accompanied by almost constant earthquake activity. Spreading ocean floor is much thinner than the continental plates but can break the sea surface, forming volcanic islands.

Strike-slip faults - Form where two plates shear past each other. The resulting earthquakes are less powerful than those in subduction zones, but can be more destructive to mankind because their focus is nearer the surface.
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